Adorable dog is excited to show mom the mess he made while she was away

Dogs can be naughty too!

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You can’t be good all the time. We all have a mischievous nature hidden underneath. Dogs are playful and they can be a bit naughty unless you train them well.

If you want to know how mischievous your dog is, leave them alone for a while. There will be either a catastrophic outcome or nothing at all. There is no in-between.

A woman got her answer about how mischievous her dog was.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

The result was that the dog was very, very mischievous.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

If you have a dog, you know that they aren’t always submissive. They make their own rules and often do whatever they please. Messy rooms, torn pillows, and broken plates can be a common sight if your dog is mischievous.

A golden retriever presented some messy sights for his mom.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

The golden retriever’s name is Phillip. His mom wasn’t home and he saw this as a perfect opportunity to play indoors. Dogs like to bite, scratch surfaces, and chew stuff. They are constantly looking for their target – and for Phillips, it was paper towels!

The owner saw what the dog had done while she was out as soon as she opened the door.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

The owner started recording the video even before she opened the door. She was most likely aware that she wouldn’t be greeting her dog in a clean house.

The owner was obviously not too happy with what her dog had done in her absence. The dog, on the other hand, seemed pretty excited about the entire thing.

The dog guides his mom through the scene he created.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

Phillip wasn’t just happy but also super proud. He gives his mom a guided tour of his massacre as if he is saying:

“Mom, look at all the cool stuff I did while you were out!”

Nobody is going to be happy if they’re greeted like that after an exhausting day of work. The owner wasn’t having it, so she shared a few words with her dog.

The owner refused to pat the dog after what he did.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

We adore our pets, but it is best if we teach them some manners on a regular basis. If you don’t give them their favorite belly rubs, or pets, they’ll quickly learn they have done something they shouldn’t.

Pexels - Jonathan Meyer Source: Pexels - Jonathan Meyer

No matter how mischievous they are, our pets love us and they don’t want to disappoint us. They’ll never forget what you teach them. Phillips’s owner scolded him a little so he won’t repeat the same mistake.

“No, I’m not patting you. No! Bad boy! You need time out? Time out?”

The video was later shared on YouTube and people are enjoying it!

While this isn’t a fond memory for the dog’s owner but for people on the internet, this video is adorable. The video was shared on YouTube by BVIRAL. The clip has been viewed close to a million times and has more than 3000 comments.

Here is what some people wrote:

“The way he pokes his head out between her legs and looks at her with the most loving face while she’s complaining about the mess. Too cute.”

“What is this!? It’s art, mom!”

“lol she’s scolding him and he’s just standing between her feet like hello I love you and you is my safe place”

Phillip is so cute that people aren’t really bothered by the mess he has created.

You can view the entire clip below!

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Source: YouTube – BVIRAl
