Firefighter helps deliver woman’s baby then learns she’s putting it up for adoption

You don’t need to give birth to become a parent.

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Parenting isn’t about giving birth; it is about endless love, affection, and sacrifice. It is a symbol of empathy.

Providing a child with selfless love is what qualifies someone as a parent.

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It’s a pretty good feeling, and not many people get to experience it. But all you need is a heart and destiny will find a way to fulfill it. That’s exactly what happened with Marc Hadden and his family.

When there was no hope left for Marc and his family, a phone call changed everything!

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Marc Hadden is a firefighter in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. It was a tiring shift with no calls. Marc said he spent all his day cleaning engines and training. Marc and his crewmates were having their dinner until they received an emergency call.

It appeared to be just another day at work, but when Marc arrived, he quickly realized that wasn’t the case.

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When Marc arrived, he realized that this was not his typical day at the job. It was something he had never done before—delivering a baby.

Marc told CBS News:

I was tasked with everything to do with Gracie. I helped her take her first breath.

Marc also called his wife to tell her about this. Her wife later said Marc was very ecstatic about the job, as this is an opportunity not everyone receives.

Marc and his team assisted the mother and dropped them at the hospital.

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Marc and his crew successfully dropped the mother and her child at the hospital. Marc was about to leave after completing the routine hospital paperwork when he overheard a nurse discussing the mother and her newborn. The nurse said the mother requested to immediately put the baby for adoption.

Marc then joked about throwing his name in the mix.

Little did he know, it was about to come true!

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The moment Marc overheard the nurse discussing the adoption, he said:

“Throw my name in the hat if this baby’s being put up for adoption”

Although Marc said this jokingly, he was looking to adopt a baby and this was a perfect opportunity he couldn’t miss.

Marc and his wife were looking to adopt a child but couldn’t due to multiple complications.

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The couple was really looking forward to adopting a baby. When Marc texted his wife with the picture of the newborn girl, she replied “Can we keep her?”.

Marc and his wife had two wonderful boys and were planning to have their third child, but they couldn’t.

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Marc and his wife had two sons, Will and Parker.

They wanted to have another child but were unable to do so due to medical issues. After the birth of their second child, Parker, Marc’s wife had medical conditions which made her unable to conceive another.
The couple also considered adoption, but they were not able to because of financial problems.

“We checked into adopting, but it was way too expensive. We prayed about it.”

But fate was with Marc and his family. They were able to adopt the girl!

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Marc and his family paid the woman a visit and talked about the adoption. Within 48 hours of delivery, the family was able to adopt the little girl and bring her home. They named her Grace. Marc said:

“Our bond is extremely tight. She’s a part of the family, and we love her more than life. We wouldn’t change anything. We would do it all again if we could.”

The incident was no short of a miracle. Everyone found what they were looking for and it couldn’t be any better.

You can watch the entire story below.

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Source: YouTube – Inside Edition, CBS News, WMBF News
