Owner asks dog if the cat is a “good boy” and the dog’s reaction has us cracking up

Dogs are the most lovable beings on earth.

They will always take a moment to give us some love and make us laugh. In fact, they’re not just like this with humans but with other animals as well!

Pexels – Tehmasip Khan Source: Pexels – Tehmasip Khan

Believe it or not, dogs also act this way towards other dogs.

This is why one of the greatest things an owner can do for a dog is to adopt another one.

Pexels – Mathilde Langevin Source: Pexels – Mathilde Langevin

When dogs live together, they have fun and share with someone who understands them.

After all, they can love us the way they do, but we’re clearly are quite different from them!

Pexels – Thijs van der Weide Source: Pexels – Thijs van der Weide

The way a dog behaves with another one is quite mind-blowing.

With other canine friends, they can jump, bark, play, and even give some snuggles.

Just like they do with us.

Pexels – Sergio Souza Source: Pexels – Sergio Souza

This is the exact reason why dogs who live together on the street have such a strong bond. In fact, they often feel quite sad when they have to be separated.

A great example of dog friendship is that of Watson and Tika.

These two beautiful canines have become famous on YouTube and social media.

YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos Source: YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

The reason why these dogs have become so famous is because of their charming love.

In a nutshell, their owner films them and they do a little trick that has surprised a lot of viewers.

The videos show their owner asking the magical question: “Who is a good boy?

The question seems to trigger Watson’s reaction right at the moment.

As soon as Watson hears the question, he barks.

YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos Source: YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

After that, the owner asks the same question.

This makes the beautiful canine look at his friend Tika and hug her. The act is so beautiful that it makes you smile in a second.

YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos Source: YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

Their expressions are priceless too. They not only seem to have a fun time but to also feel the love!

In addition to this cool trick, there’s another one that is even cuter.

Basically, Watson and Tika stand next to each other while their owner makes a question. Instead of asking “who’s a good boy?” she actually asks who deserves a cuddle.

Once Watson hears the question, he immediately gets close to Tika and hugs her.

Cutest. Thing. Ever.

YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos Source: YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

The video shows us that these little friends can combine intelligence with love.

There’s no doubt we are lucky enough to have canines around us.

Without them, the world would be way less fun.

Watch Watson and Tika’s adorable trick in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – RM Videos, New York Times
