10 cat myths we need to stop believing now

Cat moms and dads know that there is something almost magical and mysterious about their babies. They have piercing eyes, independent streaks and mood swings that no other common household pets have. They can turn their charms on and off according to the situation.

There are many stories about cats that have become urban legends. Most of them have neither scientific nor historical basis. It is very important that we are able to separate facts from fiction so we can be good humans to these wonderful creatures.

Here are top ten cat myths that we all need to stop believing:

1. Cats have nine lives

@_cats_heaven_ Source: @_cats_heaven_

Cats are agile. Most of them are physically able to get themselves out of dangerous situations. They also have high intelligent quotients, which allow them to think quickly land on their feet.

However, this does not mean those with cats do not have to be look out for their babies. They only have one life and not nine as many say. Historians believe that the 9-lives folklore originated in Egypt, where one of the gods Atum-ra took the form of a cat. Legend says that Atum-ra gave birth to eight other gods and thus embodied nine lives in one.

2. They ALWAYS land on their feet

Yes, cats are able to jump from one high place to another. They also have the uncanny ability to land squarely on their four paws (most of the time). But do you know that feline high-rise syndrome exists?

Simply put, this syndrome happens when cats jump from dangerous heights where a strong wind, loss of concentration or missteps can make them fall flat on the ground. When this happens, felines usually get injured very badly.

3. Cats cannot be trained

_@cats_heaven_ Source: _@cats_heaven_

Cats are independent thinkers but they are not as stubborn as some make them out to be. Just like dogs, cats are teachable. All they need is the right coaching technique and reward systems.

They love positive reinforcement and respond to great teachers. Once they get the hang of it, they can roll over, sit and lay down upon order just like any dog would. Some can even learn how flush the toilet after using the bathroom!

4. When they wag their tails, it means that they are happy

When it comes to how the tails are used to communicate with their humans, dogs and cats are very different. Cats do not wag their tales when they are happy or excited. In fact, they only do that when they are annoyed. So, better be sensitive about your cat. When their tail starts moving when you pet them, they could be signalling that they need more space.

5. Pregnant women must avoid cats

@crazy_cat_life1 Source: @crazy_cat_life1

Those who are pregnant have probably heard well-meaning advice to avoid cats to keep the babies in their tummies safe. This is because toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease, can transfer between mommy and baby in spite of the placental barrier. The disease is usually caused by undercooked meat. However, the parasites are also known to multiply in feline feces.

Because of this, moms-to-be get a blanket recommendation to avoid cats. However, they do not need to completely do so. What should be done is to ask someone else to clean cat litter or, if not possible, use protective gloves when doing so. Proper hand washing and sanitation are also recommended to avoid getting the disease.

6. Cats need to drink milk

Many instinctively feed their newly-adopted cats cow’s milk. The idea that cats and milk go together should be debunked as soon as possible. Most cats are actually lactose-intolerant. Drinking milk can cause felines to have chronic digestive discomfort.

Even if a cat can handle lactose, it is more important that they drink water instead. If the feline is still a kitten and needs milk, it is better to ask a veterinarian what they can suggest as a proper substitute for breast milk.

7. Cats hate water

@catsfromhaven Source: @catsfromhaven

Those who love cats know that not all of them hate bath times. Sometimes, their happiest moments are actually related to activities that involve water. Some breeds like American Bobtails and Maine Coons and are very fond of water. They run towards water and swim their hearts out as much as they can.

8. Black cats bring bad luck

The unfortunate narrative that people need to avoid black cats have been around for many centuries. There are many reasons behind this including the common notion that witches liked having black cats as pets. Additionally, in the Middle Ages, rumours began to swirl that Pope Gregory IX believed that the devil can take the form of a cat. There are more nuances to the story than what popular culture believe as the pope actually warned the people of a cult that worships cats.

Whatever the case may be, damage has been done to black cats. This is very disturbing because some people avoid adopting black cats due to these unfounded superstitions!

9. Declawing cats is okay

@_cats_heaven_ Source: @_cats_heaven_

Cats like scratching surfaces. It is just one of those things they do. Understandably, some owners find this to be a nuisance.

Some cat owners think that declawing their babies is the best solution to ensure that their material belongings do not needlessly get scratches. They falsely believe that declawing is just like cutting their cats’ nails. In reality, declawing is a surgical amputation that removes the last knuckle in a cat’s paw.

Thus, when this operation is done, the feline literally endures ten amputations. This can lead to many complications including living a life in chronic pain. No wonder declawing has become illegal in many countries!

10. Cats are too independent to be good pets

@_cats_heaven_ Source: @_cats_heaven_

Cats are generally introverts. Many think that this makes them loners and anti-social. This quality leads some to wrongly believe that they do not make great pets as they are not affectionate.

However, cats are actually very sweet and loyal to their humans. They have great observation skills which allow them to offer cuddles when their mom or dad needs it the most. They form very special bonds with their humans and most cat parents know exactly what we mean.

Sometimes, it does take time for the relationship to warm up especially when the cat was once a stray that have experienced trauma. When the ice is broken though, there are endless cuddles and TLC’s that happen between owners and felines.

Can you relate to one or more of these myths? What do you think?

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Source: Cat’s Heaven, I Heart Cats, Wikipedia, Crazy Cat Life1, Pets WebMD, Cats from Haven, Museum Hack
