10 adorable German shepherd puppies that are too cute to handle

If you’re a dog lover, you already know dogs are great. A dog can provide the companionship, love, and devotion that many of us seek. This is especially true of German shepherds, While a full-grown German shepherd is great, puppies are even cuter and seem to be full of that boundless energy we all know and love. Check out these 10 adorable German shepherd puppies if you’re ready to brighten your day!

1. Bed buddy

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This German shepherd puppy seems ready to cuddle in bed. Not only, that, but he also looks like he is ready for some serious licking.

2. Sad boy

Instagram/zarthepuppy Source: Instagram/zarthepuppy

I wonder what has this pup down? Hopefully, it’s nothing too serious. If he wasn’t so cute, I would be crying right now because of the sad look on his face.

3. The hills are alive

The holidogTimes Source: The holidogTimes

Is that dog howling? I wonder if he does requests? I wouldn’t mind hearing a little “Do Re Mi” about now, though it would probably just come out as “Awooo!”

4. Growing boy

The holidogTimes Source: The holidogTimes

At 18 weeks old, Otto looks like he is growing up to be a big boy. He is already 26 pounds, which is not too far off from the 66 to 88 pounds that many German shepherds end up weighing when they get older.

5. Puppy eyes

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This German shepherd has such soulful eyes. One could almost get lost in them. Who could resist wanting to own such a beautiful dog?

6. A romp through the flowers

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This puppy seems to be enjoying his time running through the flowers. Hopefully, he takes time to stop and smell them and doesn’t simply let life pass him by.

7. Helping with the dishes

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

Here is a good dog who likes to help with the dishes. Chances are he licks them clean before putting them in. But he’s not complaining – it’s a perk of the job!

8. Curios boy

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This dog’s curiosity seems to be getting the better of him. He can’t help but take a look to see what is going on. Hopefully, he doesn’t stick his nose where it doesn’t belong – as some dogs are known to do.

9. I’m listening

Instagram/The German Shepherd World Source: Instagram/The German Shepherd World

Here is a German shepherd pup who is all ears. It’s probably a good bet that he can hear everything you say, so don’t say anything mean. Then again, who would have anything bad to say about this cute boy?

10. Two for the price of one

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Instagram/kaya_gsd Source: Instagram/kaya_gsd

Here is not one but two German shepherd pups. Why settle for one when two can give you twice the fun?

H/T: The holidogTimes, Dog Dispatch
