10 hilarious notes found on restaurant receipts

Receipts are one of those ubiquitous items that few people care for, but everyone carries around. Happily passed out with every transaction, most people tend to automatically crumple it up and toss it aside without ever even taking a gander at what’s written there.

This is a true shame when you realize that not only are receipts different from business to business, but some of them are pretty dammed hilarious, as well. From being used to communicate the secret desires of threesomes to warnings of being wary of the ninjas, it turns out that receipts are a pretty handy communication tool.

The best thing about these receipts is that, inevitably, they will make their rounds on the internet for all to see and chuckle at. Here is a list of 10 of the funniest notes on receipts circulating the internet.

1. An excited thanks

You know that you’re hearing this sounded out in your head the way you know it’s supposed to be. At least it’s good to know that your gas attendant appreciates the business.

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2. People pay attention when you mention Chuck Norris

The server asked “does anyone ever really read this?” on the notes section of the receipt. Most days, probably not. Mention Chuck Norris kicking ass on a hybrid of the two best gaming systems, though, and you’ve got everyone’s attention.

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3. Ménage à trois?

Where do some people come from. We know that everyone has their own things that they’re into, but asking a server for a threesome on a receipt!? This guy’s been living in fantasy land just a bit too long.

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4. Well, at least they’re honest

Hey, the guy could have been a jerk and decided not to tip at all. At least he’s honest and lets them know his numbers aren’t too good. His manners make up for it, though!

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5. The nerdy tipper

Some people can’t help but teach others a lesson in any given interaction. For this guy, that urge extends to his receipts. Not only did he tip her, but he also revealed the mathematical value of pi. We can’t help but wonder; did he order pie while he was at the diner? We sure hope so.

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6. No Farting!

Sorry ladies, but it looks like you may have to start leaving your husband behind if you want to go out to eat. That is if this new “farting charge” gets adopted by other restaurants. A value burger for lunch might only cost you a dollar, but the minor explosion coming from in between your legs as a result of it is going to cost you $2!

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7. This waitress wants her customers to get woke

This is an absolutely epic way to sign off on a receipt. We just hope the customer doesn’t suffer from paranoia or they might go off in search of some red pills.

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8. Positive Reinforcement Training for Parents

We don’t know why everyone isn’t doing this. If you reward parents with a discount on their dinner everytime their kids remain well-behaved, there would likely be far less outbursts in a joint.

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9. You better like tomato

Apparently, when you order a drink at Casa Garcia’s without tomato, you’re branding yourself a whore. Maybe better to just go with the tomato, especially if you’re alone.

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10. Always look out for your delivery man

If you ever want your pizza to show up, you had better dam well tell them about the Ninjas in the parking lot. Though, if they are really good Ninjas, it probably won’t stop them from stealing your pizzas anyway. Let’s just hope they’re not turtles, too.

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Source: Shareably
