10 types of people who shouldn’t own a German shepherd

German shepherds are one of the coolest dog breeds in the entire world.

I mean, just read this description from the AKC!

Generally considered dogkind’s finest all-purpose worker, the German Shepherd Dog is a large, agile, muscular dog of noble character and high intelligence. Loyal, confident, courageous, and steady, the German Shepherd is truly a dog lover’s delight.

While they are some of the best breeds for almost everything, not all owners are suited for these furry friends. Check out these 10 types of people who probably shouldn’t get a German Shepherd!

1. Vaccum haters

Cotton Bro Source: Cotton Bro

Don’t like to vacuum? Beware of the German Shepherd! They shed QUITE a lot, and it’s an all-year affair. If you don’t want to vacuum or sweep hair on a very regular basis, think twice.

2. Don’t like nosiness

German Shepherd Shop Source: German Shepherd Shop

Dogs interact with the world through their mouths and noses, but German Shepherds definitely have an emphasis on their noses! They will press their muzzles into windows, doors, laps, and liquids left unattended!

3. Lint-roller opposed

Cotton Bro Source: Cotton Bro

Don’t want to get a lint roller? Well, with the thick double coats that these good bois have, you better figure out a way to get their fur off your couches, clothes, and floors!

4. People protective over their personal space

Max Vakhtbovych Source: Max Vakhtbovych

If you don’t want a dog who doesn’t understand what personal space is, don’t get a German Shepherd. They want nothing more than to follow you around all day, preferably pressed against you. Even in the bathroom, you might have someone watching!

5. Not outdoorsy

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

German Shepherds need lots of exercise to stay fit and healthy. They are larger dogs who need the space to run, frolic, and play! If you hate the idea of spending an hour or two a day outside, maybe get a different pup.

6. Want a super-serious dog

@rrinna Source: @rrinna

Contrary to what some may believe, German Shepherds, are HILARIOUS! On top of that, they are goofy and playful to a fault. They will want to play and goof off, rarely taking things seriously.

7. Don’t like toys in the house

Jozef Feher Source: Jozef Feher

There WILL be toys scattered around the house and yard with a German Shepherd in the house! If you opt not to buy them, they will MAKE them with whatever they can find in the yard.

8. Don’t enjoy giving physical affection

Anais Ruiz Source: Anais Ruiz

While all dogs are different and have their own personalities, a common aspect of German Shepherds is their desire to be petted, patted, and scratched! They love a good butt scratch, so if you aren’t up to the task, let someone else do it!

9. Don’t want to spend time training

Jozef Feher Source: Jozef Feher

German Shepherds are SUPER smart, which has pros and cons! If you train one, they will be incredible workers, able to do almost anything you ask. If you don’t, they will use that energy for some very destructive things. It’s definitely worth the time!

10. People who travel a lot (and don’t take their dog)

Carl Adrian Barcelo Source: Carl Adrian Barcelo

Adding a German Shepherd to your life is like adding a new family member! You can’t just get one and forget about them. If you travel all the time and don’t plan on taking your pup with you, the can become depressed and very destructive. The easy alternative is to take them with you! They will love it, we promise.

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Source: AKC, German Shepherd Shop
