10 subtle ways that our dogs show us their love

We know our dogs love us (as long as we’re good to them). In fact, it often feels like dogs spend the majority of their time trying to tell us how great we are – that’s part of their charm.

While they can’t simply tell us how much they care, there are specific ways that they show it and researchers have linked all sorts of behaviors to canine fondness and empathy towards humans.

The list could be longer, but here are 10 common ways that our dogs show us their love:

1. They snuggle with your stinky clothing

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Not the most endearing habit, but a sign they want to be close to us nevertheless.

Dogs recognize people by smell, so putting themselves in sniffing distance of our clothing, blankets, and towels are all ways for them to feel comforted by our existence when we’re not around.

In fact, research has suggested that the pleasure center of a dog’s brain is activated by its owner’s scent.

So leave your stinky laundry for your dog to snuggle with when you know it’s going to be a long day at the office.

2. They lean in

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Leaning on a human can be a sign of fear or insecurity, but even in that case, the fact that your dog leans on you means you make it feel more comfortable.

Dogs take comfort in being physically close to people they love and trust. And when we reward them with a pet or snuggle for that behavior, it reinforces it even more.

3. They look you in the eyes

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There’s some controversy about looking a dog in the eyes and associating it with signs of aggression.

But when a dog looks at you and sustains eye contact, it releases oxytocin – the bonding hormone – in your brain and theirs. It’s like hugging with your eyes.

That or they want your dinner.

4. They lick your face

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We really need to let go of the myth that dogs’ mouths are clean – they aren’t.

But plenty of dog owners still enjoy a big, sloppy kiss from their pets, and that’s ok. In fact, a lick on the face is something mother dogs do to their babies, and bestowing such kisses may mean they consider you part of their pack.

They also like the taste of sweat.

5. They bring you their toys

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Sometimes they just want to play, but dogs will also bring their owners their favorite possessions just to show they care.

Bestowing such treasure upon you should be taken as a compliment. They’re hoping their toy pleases you as much as it pleases them.

6. They greet you when you get home

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Is your dog waiting at the door with all the love in the world when you get home?

How could you not take that as a sign of affection?

7. They sleep up against you

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Dogs in the wild sleep in packs for safety and warmth.

It’s a habit that they’ve never quite lost, so they still snuggle up to their favorite people, furry siblings, and even toys when they want to sleep securely.

8. They stay with you when you’re sick

Some dogs can actually sniff out illness, but more often than not they simply have a “gut feeling” when you’re not well, both physically or emotionally.

This “empathy” manifests as a desire to be by your side when you’re sick. They not only want you to feel better but they tend to stand guard over you when you’re at your weakest.

9. They show the right body language

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Are their ears perked up? Is their tail wagging? Do they look like they’re smiling when they see you?

These are all signs that your mere presence makes your dog happy.

And they’re pretty consistent about showing this love as well – unlike other humans.

10. They jump and roughhouse

It’s a habit many dog owners try to break, but sometimes our dogs are just so darn happy that they can’t help but jump all over us and try to make us part of the pack by starting a wrestling match.

If you teach them when they’re young, they can learn to play like this only when you engage first – and they can also learn to keep the teeth at bay.

To keep play safe, they have to learn commands to stop as well.


If you’re good to your dog, there’s an excellent chance that it loves you unconditionally and these are just a few of the ways they show it.

What behaviors does your dog display to show their affection?

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Spruce Pets, Dogster, Cheat Sheet, Animal Cognition
