10 Signs Showing That Vets Have The Best Sense Of Humor

Vets have a pretty serious job. They have to go through years of medical school and take loads of tests, and when they are done with that, they have to take care of sick animals. With a job that intense, you wouldn’t expect them to have any sense of humor.
But it turns out they do! And don’t take our word for it, just check out the hilarious jokes they make on their signs below.
1. An addendum to the rule.

The five-second rule has been an amazing saving grace in many situations. The idea is that if you drop your food on the ground, you have 5 seconds to pick it up before it gets nasty germs all over it and becomes inedible. But if you don’t act faster, you’ll have to worry about germs and your dog all over your food.
2. Shots. Fired.

It’s okay Patriots fans, we just like the joke! And honestly, this just makes me trust that these experts are champions too.
3. A purrrfect pun.

Cats tend to be very selective and picky about their preferences. They might walk around your house like they are the ruling king or queen. So of course, they love the color of royalty.
4. Who’s the daddy?

This one reminds us of certain daytime T.V. talk shows. And if you have a mutt or a rescue dog, this information could actually be pretty helpful to know. A dog DNA test reveal is something we would definitely watch!
5. A shower thought.

We’re going to be thinking about this one for a while. I mean, did we ever formally introduce ourselves?
6. Don’t be like the dinosaurs.

Who knew going to the vet could have this level of preventative care? So if your dog or cat hates the vet, just tell them about all the meteor showers and hard living dinosaurs had to deal with. We guarantee they’ll be much more grateful for their car ride to the vet after that!
7. It’s not just dogs and cats, birds can inspire jokes too!

I mean, they do tend to travel in packs. I know the saying is “stuck together like glue”, but what if we changed it to “stuck together like vel-crows?”
8. This play on words.

So this one is definitely a little rude, but you have got to admit the wordplay is awesome! And with a name as funny-sounding as Shih Tzu, you’ve got to take the opportunity to joke about it. Now all there is to do is to go that vet and see if your pet loves them as much as their sign claims.
9. We love a Saint Patricks joke.

Animal jokes and seasonal jokes in one? This one checks off a lot of boxes and reworks an old saying. I wonder how Wolfhounds and Irish Setters do celebrate Saint Paddy’s Day.
10. And finally, a bread shoutout.

While we’re sure that just about any dog would love a slice of bread, it’s those purebreds that have it practically in their name! I wonder what kind of bread is their favorite?
To hear some more hilarious vet jokes, check this out.
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Source: Baldivis Vet Hospital, Eau Gallie Veterinary Hospital, Highland Road Animal Hospital, Holly Ridge Vet, I Heart Dogs, RedRoofLuvsPets, Vet Billing