10+ simple design solutions that make a huge difference in day-to-day life

We’re always looking for ways to make our lives easier. Whether it’s shortening our chores, preventing time-wasting, or speeding up an arduous process, there are plenty of hacks we can use to solve those pesky problems.

Check out our 12 favorite simple but genius design solutions and consider implementing a few yourself!

1. This elevator call button placement

Reddit Source: Reddit

Have you ever wondered why you can’t press the elevator before you actually reach the elevator? Probably not, but some clever-clogs in this hotel did. It makes a lot of sense – your elevator will have more time to arrive before you do.

2. This handy clothes separator

Reddit Source: Reddit

Shopping is one of those experiences that can take hours, especially if you’re indecisive. Luckily, this dressing room clothes separator can help you split your “definite yes” items from your “potentials”. Now that’s useful.

3. These zipper earbuds

Reddit Source: Reddit

What is it about earbuds that means they’re always tied in knots when you come to use them? It’s like they come alive in your pocket and make it their mission to get as tangled as possible. Thank goodness for zipper earbuds like these.

4. This shopping cart calculator

Reddit Source: Reddit

If you don’t shop with some sort of budget in mind, consider yourself one of the lucky few. Most of us have a weekly spend we absolutely can’t go over, and this handy shopping cart calculator is here to assist with the adding and subtracting.

5. This baby stroller scooter

Imgur Source: Imgur

Pushing a stroller around shouldn’t have to mean that you’re limited to moving at 0.0031 kilometers per hour. If you want to give yourself a bit of fun (and extra exercise) while taking baba on a walk, this scooter stroller is for you. Just be careful going down hills.

6. This dog and human water fountain

Reddit Source: Reddit

Because when you want to stop for a drink, your dog probably does too. Obviously, the adult’s fountain is the higher one. Drink from the lower trickle at your own peril.

7. This tea-friendly mug

Reddit Source: Reddit

There’s nothing worse than putting your teabag into your hot water and having the whole thing, cardboard end bit and all, submerge out of sight. This mug with a slot for teabags should solve that first-world problem.

8. This toddler faucet handle extender

Reddit Source: Reddit

Most of us can’t afford to install a lower sink for our little ones (and also, how useless would that be once they grew up?). The simpler and more temporary solution is to extend your faucet handle, like on the picture.

9. This socket with retractable cord

Yanko Design Source: Yanko Design

Seriously, all sockets should be like this. We’d never have to fuss about with cables that just aren’t long enough anymore. We love that this socket looks totally normal, but has a hidden superpower.

10. This high heel protector

VK Source: VK

Nobody asked you to aerate the grass, so if you want to stop puncturing holes into your back yard in your high heels, these protectors are your new best friends. Just pop them on the ends of your heels for protection.

11. This disability-friendly electric car

instagram/ @rahmanian.maryam.journlism Source: instagram/ @rahmanian.maryam.journlism

It was about time something like this was invented. We haven’t seen many of them around, but perhaps they’re a sign of the future. It makes a lot more sense for a wheelchair user to simply be able to wheel themselves straight into the driver’s seat.

12. This prepared chewing gum

Reddit Source: Reddit

Thinking about it, all chewing gums should come with a paper wrap to pop it in when you’re done with it. That would massively decrease the gross gum-on-sidewalk problem.

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Source: Home Hacks
