10-year-old bravely leaps into action when mom tells him he’s going to have to help deliver her baby

Ashley Moreau was 34 weeks pregnant in 2018 when she got up to go to the bathroom and felt her water break without warning.

Even more shocking was the sight of the baby’s feet sticking out of her when she looked down! Not only was her son coming early but he was in the breech position.

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Big brother to the rescue

Moreau’s fiance, Kelsey Richard, had just headed off to work and the only person in the house to help was Jayden Fontenot, her 10-year-old son. (Her daughter, Remi, was there too, but just a toddler.)

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She called out to the boy who was shocked to see his mother in trouble but calmly followed orders to run next door to his grandmother’s house for help and to call 911.

But it was what Jayden did when he returned that was truly remarkable.

His grandmother had just had back surgery, so she could walk back home with him. Nevertheless, Jayden returned to his mother, told her help was on the way and asked what he could do.

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“I said (to Jayden), ‘You’re going to have to deliver your brother, and we have to do it fast because the baby’s feet are turning blue and he can’t breathe,” Moreau told TODAY. “He said, ‘Tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it.”’

Delivering Daxx

We can’t even imagine what the mother-son duo went through as Moreau bled profusely during the birth.

“I was crying, but I just tried to stay calm and collected,” she said. “Jayden was so calm that it made me more calm. I could see he was scared, but he knew he had to do it.”

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Moreau was able to instruct her 10-year-old to rotate the baby out of the breech position and pull at the right time to deliver him.

But the drama was far from over. The baby wasn’t breathing.

The best big brother

Jayden had the presence of mind to run to the kitchen and grab the perfect device to save the baby’s life – his little sister’s nasal aspirator.

As he began pumping the newborn’s nose and mouth as his mother lay bleeding and trying to help, there were signs of a first breath. And THAT’S when the EMTs showed up.

They took it from there, rushing the family to the hospital, but it was Jayden’s quick thinking that allowed his baby brother, Daxx, to get the oxygen he needed when he needed it.

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According to KPLC News, doctors said if Jayden hadn’t been there and acted so quickly and calmly, the baby would never have taken his first breath and Moreau likely would have bled out on the bathroom floor.

Big brother, big hero

Moreau’s fiance was stunned when he met them all at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital and found out what had happened.

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And as news traveled of the 10-year-old’s actions, Jayden got the recognition he deserved for his calmness in the face of such a challenge.

He was honored by Sulphur, Louisiana’s mayor and police chief, and presented with a plaque for his bravery. Jayden was also given the key to the city as officials proclaimed Daxx’s birthday, August 11, Jayden Fontenot Day in the town.

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Moreau says the two brothers have a very special bond after the whole ordeal.

Be sure to scroll down below to see the news story on the pre-teen’s amazing actions.

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Source: YouTube – KPRC 2 Click2Houston, TODAY, KPLC
