101-year-old woman survived the Spanish flu and cancer – now beats coronavirus


With so many stories documenting the thousands of lives lost to Coronavirus, it’s easy to get swept up in the negativity. But every so often comes a tale of hope – a story of somebody beating the odds – and our spirits are lifted once more.

So far, we’ve seen babies, those with compromised immune systems, and some of the most vulnerable people on the planet miraculously recover from COVID-19. While many people succumb to this terrible virus, many more astound doctors with their recovery.

The latest uplifting story of survival features a particularly special lady, 101-year-old Angelina Friedman, of New York. What is so amazing about Angelina’s recovery isn’t just her age – it’s that she has also survived the Spanish flu in 1918. What an incredible woman!

North Westchester Restorative Therapy & Nursing Center Source: North Westchester Restorative Therapy & Nursing Center

Angelina was diagnosed with Coronavirus on March 21, and had fever symptoms for 4 weeks.

Amazingly, Angelina didn’t require oxygen therapy to treat the virus, and tested negative for COVID-19 just a month later, on April 20.

Angelina’s life hasn’t been easy. In 1918, her mother died while giving birth to her aboard an immigrant ship heading from Italy to New York. This was during the time of the second wave of the Spanish Flu.

Angelina has since overcome sepsis, miscarriages, cancer, and now COVID-19, making her one of the few people to have lived through two pandemics. Speaking to Pix11, her daughter Joanne Merola said:

“My mother is a survivor. She is not human. She has superhuman DNA.”

We can certainly believe that!

North Westchester Restorative Therapy and Nursing Center Source: North Westchester Restorative Therapy and Nursing Center

Angelina is now the last surviving sibling, as her other 10 brothers and sisters has passed on. But according to Joanne, Angelina and her family have all lived long, prosperous lives. She said:

‘Everybody in the family lived until at least 95, except one uncle.”

Of course, Angelina’s life has not been without hardship, but she has managed to overcome it all.

She now lives at North Westchester Restorative Therapy and Nursing Center in Lake Mohegan, New York, where she spent her four weeks of isolation.

North Westchester Restorative Therapy and Nursing Center Source: North Westchester Restorative Therapy and Nursing Center

The nursing home posted a photo of Angelina to Facebook in celebration of her recovery, saying:

“Lets hear it for Angelina our 101 year old resident who beat COVID-19 & is doing great!!!!!”

The picture was shared more than 200 times, and was picked up by a number of news outlets. Angelina became something of a celebrity, with many people commenting on her “amazing resilience” and thanking staff for looking after her.

Daughter Joanne commented underneath the photo:

North Westchester Restorative Therapy & Nursing Center Source: North Westchester Restorative Therapy & Nursing Center

According to nurses, Angelina is indeed back to full health. Joanne explained that her mother is doing so well that she’s even on the hunt for wool to crochet with! She added:

“If my mother could see this I’d tell her, ‘You keep going, Ma. You’re gonna outlive us all.’”

While Coronavirus has hit New York the hardest, stories like Angelina’s make us hopeful that the worst will eventually pass and we can resume our lives as normal.

North Westchester Restorative Therapy and Nursing Center Source: North Westchester Restorative Therapy and Nursing Center

We continue to be incredibly grateful to the healthcare workers who are putting their lives at risk to fight COVID-19, and nurses and carers like those at North Westchester Restorative Therapy and Nursing Center for looking after our most vulnerable members of society during this time.

Best of wishes to Angelina and her superhuman DNA!

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Source: Daily Mail, Facebook/ North Westchester Restorative Therapy and Nursing Center, Pix11
