These 11 habits are making you look older than you really are

Ageing is a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean anyone wants to look older than they actually are. We spend our teens and early twenties trying to look more “sophisticated”, only to reach 30 and discover that nothing beats the youthful glow!

If you’re concerned about premature ageing, there are certain habits that you may need to put a stop to. Check out the 11 habits below that can all make you look older than you are:

1. Tanning

Pexels/ Andrea Piacquadio Source: Pexels/ Andrea Piacquadio

There’s nothing more calming than lying out under the sun on a hot day, but tanning is one of the quickest ways to age your skin – not to mention put yourself at risk of getting skin cancer. If you like to look brown for your vacations, try fake tan instead.

2. Listening to loud music

You might think you’re being courteous to others by sticking your headphones on as opposed to playing music from the speakers, but when the sound is so close to your eardrums, there’s a good chance you’ll end up suffering from hearing loss – especially if you play your music on full volume.

3. Sitting down

Pexels/ Andrea Piacquadio Source: Pexels/ Andrea Piacquadio

For many of us, sitting down is part of life, especially if we work in an office environment. But abc NEWS says that sitting for extended periods of time can take up to 13 years off your life, so make sure you’re getting up and moving in your lunch breaks.

4. Drinking alcohol

If alcohol is your go-to evening comfort, you may be unintentionally affecting your overall health. There has been plenty of debate about whether the “a glass of wine a day” rule is good or bad for you, but either way, it’s best to enjoy your drinks in moderation.

5. “Low fat” diets

Pexels/ Pixabay Source: Pexels/ Pixabay

Here’s the thing: our bodies actually need fats, so these low fat diets that are all the range right now are actually pretty terrible for our health. Providing you take in the good mono-saturated and omega-3 fats, there is absolutely nothing wrong with adding fats to your diet.

6. Smoking

We all know the dangers of smoking, but did you know that it’s also one of the biggest ageing factors of all? Smoking narrows the blood vessels in your skin, which prevents it from getting the nutrients it needs. Smoking can also cause your voice to deepen, your teeth to fall out, and your fingers and nails to yellow.

7. Missing out on sleep

Pexels/ Ivan Oboleninov Source: Pexels/ Ivan Oboleninov

Sleep is completely underrated. Not only does it feel great to get a good night’s rest, poor sleep or not enough sleep has been linked to a shorter lifespan, so you know what to do.

8. Not eating enough fruits and veggies

Our diets are a big part of our overall health, and Prevention says that not eating enough fruits and veggies is a major cause of premature ageing. This is because we’d be missing out on a whole host of anti-oxidants that are great for our bodies.

9. Sugar binges

Pexels/ Ester Sánchez Alfaro Source: Pexels/ Ester Sánchez Alfaro

If you can’t go a day without snacking on sugar, you could be speeding up your natural ageing process significantly. According to MSN, sugar can cause an excess of problems as you get older, including acne, diabetes and wrinkles.

10. Chronic stress

We all experience stress from time to time, but being stressed on a daily basis can cause high blood pressure and reduced functioning of the brain. Managing your stress will not only help you to feel better in yourself, but also live a longer and healthier life.

11. Bitterness

Pexels/ Evelyn Chong Source: Pexels/ Evelyn Chong

If you thought that ageing was purely down to our physical actions, think again. Not being able to let go of the past can actually cause the brain to produce more cortisol, which makes it harder to sleep – thus contributing to premature ageing.

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Source: Home Remedy Daily, abc NEWS, Mayo Clinic, Prevention, MSN
