10+ DIY beauty disasters that took place during quarantine

While being on lockdown and staying home are considered to be the best ways to contain the spread of coronavirus and “flatten the curve”, it is not always an easy thing to do for all. Some people, especially the outgoing and sociable types, are slowly getting antsy as days of being locked inside their home drag by.

Out of boredom and the intense need to find something to do during self-isolation, some folks end up experimenting with beauty DIYs and end up quite unsuccessful.


The things people can do just to alleviate boredom can be quite silly. From cutting their own hair to doing their own manicure, you’ll definitely laugh out loud with the hilarious results!

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1. When your girlfriend cuts your hair

This guy here was in dire need of a haircut. But, with very few options while on lockdown, no one is around to help him out except for his girlfriend. His before and after shots show a variety of emotions that range from pleading to calm to shock to disappointment! Poor guy.


2. This kid’s accomplishment

Wanting to get a haircut badly, this little guy decided to take matters to his own hands. He shaved his head by himself and ended up leaving the sides! Now, his hairstyle is like that of a man in his mid-50’s but his smile totally shows how proud he is for his accomplishment.

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3. Staying positive after the hair disaster

From the front view, this guy’s hairstyle does not seem unusual at all. But after turning around, you’ll find out that he has a bald spot because he shaved his own head and ended up shaving too much on a particular spot! Despite the mishap, this man is staying positive.

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4. This uneven hair fiasco

Playing with scissors and cutting your own hair is never a great idea. It will probably end in something you’ll regret! This woman was probably going after a trim but came out with a really uneven hair fiasco. Now, she needs to cut her hair shorter than she might have originally planned.

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5. Nailed it!

Trying out new hairstyles is always best done through the help of professionals. This guy, however, decided to try something new while on quarantine. Without the assistance of a legit hairstylist, an epic fail such as this will likely happen.

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6. When you want longer nails right now

This is what happens when you are too impatient to wait for your nails to grown as long as you want them to. While this dilemma can be solved with a quick visit to the the nail salon, this is not possible for now because of the lockdown. This lady decided she can do it by herself anyway, and put fake nails in the middle part of her actual nails, making her hand look weird!

Instagram Source: Instagram

7. Momma knows best, right?

We believe Mom did the best she could to make her kid look better. However, her inexperience led to an even worse haircut and the poor kid can’t do anything about it. After the lockdown is hopefully lifted, a visit with to a professional barber will make this boy’s hair go back to normal eventually.

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8. These nails

We totally don’t get what this nail art is all about. The fake nails are practically barely hanging on the woman’s real nails! Honestly, it’s an idea that absolutely makes no sense at all.

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9. Nail polish gone wild

The last time we heard, nail polish is supposed to be painted on the nails. But, it looks like this lady does not recognize that fact because she also painted the skin around her nails! It looks like she did not really care how her nails would end up looking after her poor nail painting act.

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10. Mohawk time!

A mohawk is a classic haircut that makes a person stand out among the crowd. We’re not sure if this guy is aiming for that kind of attention, because we are now practicing social distancing and all. What we are sure of is that he looks very happy about his new style.

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11. Hair coloring blunder

Dying your hair is not as easy as it looks. The procedure must be done properly to make sure everything is done right and to prevent blunders that can result to unwanted effects. This colored hand, right here, is one of those blunders you should be avoiding.

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12. Disaster waiting to happen

Bowl cuts are a thing of the past, but some parents still do it to their poor children! We sincerely hope this kid’s parents did not proceed with cutting his hair using this kitchen utensil. It will definitely not end well!

Boredom can be very hard to handle, especially when we are so used to going out with friends and socializing like there’s no tomorrow. Too much of it leads us to try things that we should not be doing at all!

At the end of each day, whether you unfortunately tried and failed with a new beauty DIY, the most important thing is that you remain healthy and safe. It’s fine to chase after beauty, but health and safety should always come first.

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Source: Bored Panda
