10+ dogs who pooped with no shame

Human pooping is something no-one likes to think too much about. We just quietly go to the toilet and do what needs to be done.
Dogs, on the other hand, make something of a sport of the job. There’s no shame to be seen in a dog mid-poop. They can perform anywhere, from in the middle of a busy field, to on the beach, and even in horrifying places around the home. To some dogs, pooping is the highlight of their walk in the great outdoors.
These 12 photos are proof that dogs can poop anywhere, whenever the urge comes to them.
1. On a bush

We can sort of get the logic in this – it is, to a dog, a springy hiding place. But it does leave less space for the plop to drop. Plus, how’s his human supposed to clean up after him?
2. On a mountain

Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go. Wouldn’t we all want to poop with a view? This collie knows she’s got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity here.
3. On a wall

Sometimes, having a bit of leg elevation while you poop is pretty handy. Still, this isn’t the sort of sight you want to see from behind. We feel for the owner.
4. Against a tree

Dog owners know that there’s something about a tree trunk that a dog in poop-mode can’t resist. Maybe they think the poop will blend in a bit more. Though it’s getting picked up anyway, so they only make the task harder for their human.
5. Onto a tyre

Just no. This pup has been planning this dump for a while, we’re sure of it. What other reason could you give for such accuracy?
6. On a garbage pile

There’s something very polite about this dog’s choice of poop location. Maybe he thinks he’s saving his owner the task of having to pick up the poop, considering all the other cr@p is just sitting around. If only.
7. On the plants

Now, we know a few granddads who really do use animal waste as a fertilizer for their plants. We’re not sure it’s for us, but this dog is using his common sense. Or maybe he’s just being defiant.
8. While doing a handstand

Why are dogs so weird? As if pooping wasn’t enough effort, this born performer decided to handstand while doing the business. It’s not a circus trick, you know.
9. In a puddle

Because pooping in the sand isn’t gross enough. Oh no, it’s got to be done in a puddle on wet, slimy sand. Good times for this one’s owner.
10. On a tree stump

Actually, we’d probably appreciate that this fluffy thing had pooped on an elevated tree stump for us. No rummaging around in the grass to pick it up. Still, it must have looked a sight.
11. Into a jar

This dog has already completed everything, so don’t bother trying to boast to him. He’s here to get sh*t done and move on. We’re trying not to be impressed, but we sort of are.
12. On a pedestrian crossing

As if it wasn’t bad enough that this owner had to hold up cars while crossing the road, they now have to delay things even longer while picking up poop. Bad timing or what?
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