12 hard-to-kill houseplants that will thrive in your home

The interest in having house plants have dramatically grown in recent years, as more and more people ride the gardening bandwagon. However, not everyone has a green thumb and the time to always water and care for their plants.

Thankfully, we have round up a list of tough plants that are highly tolerable yet still aesthetically pleasing.

As you scroll down to see our list, you might also want to take note of some of the features of hard to kill house plants.

  • Thrives in low-light or indirect light
  • Loves standard household humidity and temperature
  • Grows well in typical potting soil or succulent soil
  • Will survive periods of neglect

1) Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Fabian Stroobants from Pexels Source: Fabian Stroobants from Pexels

If you always have a busy schedule but still want to care for a house plant, then the Snake Plant is the best for you. These beautiful plants have tall, stiff green leaves and have yellow stripes that run down along the edges of the leaves.

Even if you forget to water it, it’s perfectly fine since it actually prefers its soil to dry out. It also thrives in low light, hence making it a top choice for people who wants to place it in the office or at home without direct light.

2) Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis)

Cintia Siqueira from Pexels Source: Cintia Siqueira from Pexels

This succulent is not only perfect for home gardeners, but it’s also perfect for people who prefer homemade skincare and remedies thanks to its clear gel.

Aloe plants grow best in potting soil, wherein you can water them before allowing excess water to completely drain from the soil. Do not give them a drink until their soil is dry.

Overwatering the plant can kill it, while it can thrive when you do the opposite. They also like bright indirect light so you can keep them near a sunny window.

3) Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema sp.)

Karolina Grabowska from Pexels Source: Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Brown-thumbs can’t even bring this plant down. The Chinese Evergreen is both beautiful and sturdy, with a streak of silver along its pretty green leaves.

This slow-growing plant likes the bright-light but it can also do well in low light or artificial light. Fertilizer isn’t necessary, but you can if you like. As for watering, you can keep the soil evenly moist or let it dry for about a week before you water it again.

4) Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

mumsteraplantita.ph Source: mumsteraplantita.ph

If you want tall, fast-growing plants, then this is the one for you. Wild rubber plants can grow up to sixty to eighty feet tall, wherein if under the right conditions this thing can grow pretty fast.

It comes in many varieties of colors, from dark, rubbery green leaves to pale variegated varieties.

5) Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior)

vancityhouseplants Source: vancityhouseplants

Despite its lush leaves, this is as tough and hardy as the name suggests. This one doesn’t like direct light, hence it’s perfect for rooms or places with indirect lighting.

It’s one of the lost low-maintenance plants that even a beginner can grow, plus it’s pet-friendly too! Just be wary of the seasons though since its growth depends on each. During spring and summer, keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. In the winter when growth is slowed, you can give it less water.

6) Purple Shamrock (Oxalis triangularis)

smartplanthome Source: smartplanthome

Purple shamrock or love plant is a deep, purple-hued plant that has heart-shaped leaves. This delicate house plant is much tougher than it looks thanks to its flower and leaves that have different responses to light and darkness.

It is advisable to plant your love plants in a standard, rich potting soil that drains well. It likes the brightness, so keep it near a sunny window. Watering is quite simple, just give it a drink when the topsoil feels dry. This changes during the winter as it hibernates – you only need to water it every two or three weeks.

7) Flamingo Flower (Anthurium Sp.)

Madison Inouye from Pexels Source: Madison Inouye from Pexels

Anthuriums are perhaps the most well-known plants that would make you feel that you’ve probably seen it before. Its heart-shaped, bright red-blooms make it look high maintenance, but it doesn’t take much to grow it.

You may grow the flamingo flower in a mix of 1 part potting soil to 1 part perlite so that it retains moisture while draining freely. Water the plant only when the soil is dry.

This plant doesn’t like direct sunlight, hence you may place it somewhere with medium to bright indirect light or wherever it blooms the most.

8) Cactus (Cactaceae)

Min An from Pexels Source: Min An from Pexels

When it comes to being tough, the cactus plant reigns over the others. This is not surprising since we know for a fact that it can flourish in the desert which is a difficult place to live in.

Aside from the usual tall, green cacti, there are various kinds of shapes, sizes, and colors to choose from. Caring for it is very simple, just place it under bright light and water it twice a month.

9) Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

yayahardinera Source: yayahardinera

Spider plants are perhaps one of the most popular house plants mainly because it’s so easy to care for. They are potbound, meaning you don’t have to re-pot them every now and then.

They also grow well in bright indirect light, such as near a kitchen or bathroom window. AS for watering, give them a drink once the soil is dry but don’t let it get too soggy.

10) Madagascar Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata)

thegloryingrowing Source: thegloryingrowing

This plant is as strong as its name. Its leaves have vivid colors and can grow up to 20 feet outdoors, but inside, it can still grow up to six feet in height with the proper care and maintenance.

Madagascar dragon tree is one of the plants that are perfect for beginners since it can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. While it grows best in bright indirect light, it can also tolerate lower levels of light. Keep the plant in well-draining soil and only water when the top half of the soil is dry.

11) Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

plant_market.id Source: plant_market.id

People keep house plants for a number of reasons, and if you wish to have good luck and money, then the jade plant is for you.

They have thick, woody stems and lush, oval leaves. It requires minimal supervision as you only need to water it once the leaves start to shrink. Give it a long and slow drink of water as you allow the water to completely drains out of the soil.

Jade plants need bright, direct sunlight for a few hours a day and you don’t have to replant it very often since it likes being rootbound.

12) ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

maya_et_ses_plantes Source: maya_et_ses_plantes

If you are still having second thoughts about caring for a house plant that only requires a little of your time, then the ZZ plant got you covered. This shrubby, green plant can flourish under serious neglect and grow about two or three feet vertically and horizontally.

Maintain its sass under low to bright indirect light, even under fluorescent lights. You can also just place it in a regular pot of soil. As for watering, only do so when its soil is completely dry.

Just a word of caution though, this plant can be toxic to children and pets when eaten or touched. Wash off the sap right away to avoid skin irritation.

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Source: Smart Garden Guide
