10+ people you'll be so glad aren't your neighbors


There’s absolutely nothing worse than a nightmare neighbor. If you’ve never lived next door to someone who plays thumping music all night or show no consideration for you or anyone else on your street, count yourself lucky. It’s harder than it seems to find a decent, respectful neighbor these days.

These 12 neighbors are examples of people you’d never want to find yourself living in close range of!

1. This neighbor, who looks out for himself only

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It would have taken approximately one extra minute for this neighbor to clear both sides of his stairway, but no, that would be too much effort. It’s every man for himself, after all. Even when it comes to minor snow clearance duties.

2. This neighbor, who wanted to be very clear which land was hers

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When one man mowed his elderly neighbor’s lawn, the neighbor who lived on the left decided to mow her lawn too. For some reason, she decided to leave a line of long grass between the two properties. Whether the grass was “hers”, we’ll never know – but she wasn’t doing it.

3. This neighbor, whose garden is out of control

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You know your back yard is in a state when plants grow aggressively enough to knock through a literal brick wall. Now that’s one strong cactus.

4. This neighbor, who cares too much about parking

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We’ve all heard about that one neighbor who checks to see if the cars on the street have a permit, and moans that they’re “blocking my drive”. One guy decided to make things clear with his neighbor after things obviously got too tense. We love the slightly patronising smiley face.

5. This neighbor, who made their house look silly

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The whole point of semi-detached houses like these is that they’re supposed to mirror one another. Whichever neighbor decided to make their home look completely the opposite to the other clearly has no perception of design. We sense that there was a hidden argument behind this.

6. This neighbor, who was a little noisy with his “exorcism”

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There’s nothing worse than being able to hear your neighbor’s, ahem, bedroom activity. We love that this neighbor left a passive-aggressive note asking for them to grease their bed post before carrying out another “exorcism”. Brilliant.

7. This neighbor, who had a dog problem

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Look, if I don’t have a dog myself, I don’t want to find someone else’s dog sh*t on my lawn. It’s pretty rude, when you think about it: cleaning up your dog’s mess is part of the responsibility of being a dog owner. This response is a little extreme, but fair enough.

8. This super creepy neighbor

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This entire list of Wi-Fi codes is questionable, but the fact that some of the codes seem to be communicating creepy things is even more bizarre. We’d be keeping our curtains closed all day if we lived in this neighborhood.

9. This neighbor, whose TV was realistically loud

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If the police are called to your home for a suspected “fight”, and you’re actually just watching Rocky, your TV’s probably too loud. Just so you know for next time.

10. This neighbor, who wants to take out his other neighbors

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This truck is now the length of two trucks, thanks to the ginormous ladder poking out the back end of it. Does the driver not realize how dangerous it is to park like this? Terrible.

11. This neighbor, who shot a bow at his neighbor


The safety rules of archery clearly went out the window (no pun intended) when this neighbor was practicing the hobby. For a start, we’re not sure an average-size back yard is a suitable space for shooting arrows at a deadly speed. As this poor guy found out.

12. This neighbor, who parked his car on the sidewalk

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Because obviously, an expensive car is more important than the safety of those walking alongside the road. Idiot.

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