10+ photos of recess in the 70s that prove the times have changed

Recess in the ’70s was a completely different ball game than play-time today, especially when it comes to safety. Some of the stuff they used to have on the playgrounds makes you really wonder how kids even survived. There were also a lot of really cool games and fun stuff back then.

Some of these still scare me to this day!

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These 12 photos show you just how fun, but also terrifying recess could be in the ’70s

Nowadays, schools wouldn’t dare have some of these structures!

1. Merry? More like scary-go-round

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If you’re old enough, you most likely have a horrifying memory of the merry-go-round. Which is probably why you won’t find them in parks anymore, way too many lawsuits came from the spinning metal traps.

2. Frightening all-metal play structures

Collectors Weekly Source: Collectors Weekly

Back in the day, it would be even scary for an adult to play on some of the playground structures, but it still never stopped the kids from going all out!

3. Steel seesaws

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Here’s another piece of metal playground equipment you almost never see anymore. Not only would it burn you on summer days, but god forbid a bigger kid ended up on the other end of the seesaw, they’d send you flying off and hoping you didn’t land back on them.

4. Good old metal slides

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It was like torcher sliding down one of these on a hot summer day, and obviously, it wasn’t very hard to fly right off of the side! Even on cooler days, the metal would still leave you with burns. The hilarious thing, it still never stopped kids from lining up and zooming down!

5. The metal dome

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You couldn’t make a more dangerous jungle gym if you tried, these metal domes would have you hanging on for dear life. But once again, it didn’t stop us, kids, from having a good old time, even if some of us ended up with broken arms.

6. Hopscotch

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Here’s one that isn’t so dangerous, but was literally life back in the day. I know it’s still around, but nowhere near as prevalent. You’re much more likely to catch a kid on his smartphone, than playing the game that used to rule the playground.

7. Metal sliding wall

[/imgsrc]” link=”http://strawberrylemonadeblog.blogspot.com/2009/10/you-spin-me-right-round-vintage.html”][/imgsrc]

Nowadays, the kids would look at this and not even know what it is, but back in the day, it was a huge hit. It’s also another metal structure that would burn the crap out of you on a hot a day.

8. Climbing structures

strawberrylemonadeblog Source: strawberrylemonadeblog

Some of the things you see from the ’70s and ’80s, make you think they wanted the kids to get hurt. Never the less, climbing was a huge pass time before cell phones and the kids were fearless.

9. Maypoles

Flashbak Source: Flashbak

Here’s another structure that makes you wonder how it even became a thing in the ’60s and ’70s. You would literally hold on to a chain, run and swing yourself around. It’s like they didn’t finish something they were building and just left it anyway.

10. Games with strings

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You used to be able to give a kid a string and they’d entertain themselves for hours. Now, kids are bawling their eyes out without their tablets. Oh, how the times have changed!

11. Spinning discs

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Being dizzy was an actual pass time for kids in the ’70s, ’80s, and even ’90s. On the spinning disc, your friends would just spin you until you were so dizzy you couldn’t walk.

12. Concrete tunnels

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Before cell phones and new age technology, you could literally throw an actual concrete tunnel in the middle of a park and kids would be set.

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