10+ weird things that people only do in America

Americans tend to stick out like a sore thumb when traveling abroad. As American’s have a stigma floating above their head, they never seem to notice all of the things that make them so bizarre to other countries. But here are 12 very weird things American’s do and just don’t realize.

1. Where’s The Restroom?

American’s seem to be sensitive about toilet talk. But when American’s are in another country asking where the “restroom” is, it can be a confusing question to answer when all they think of is some sort of napping room. Sometimes direct is best, so don’t be afraid to ask where the toilet is.

Flickr/ozz_girl101 Source: Flickr/ozz_girl101

2. Cashier Chit Chat

Americans usually try to fill any void of silence. That includes talking to any cashier or barista just so it feels less awkward. But in other countries, some don’t even smile or nod.

funnymeme4me Source: funnymeme4me

3. Pajama Party… Anywhere

In America, pajamas aren’t rare to see at grocery stores or even coffee shops. Especially in small towns, it’s the norm. But any other country wouldn’t be caught wearing their pajamas in public.

makeameme.org Source: makeameme.org

4. Old Isn’t So OLD After All

American’s claim any “old” building or house to be even less than 100 years old. When abroad, structures and homes can be thousands of years old… Now that’s old.

Flickr/ Brian Bateman Source: Flickr/ Brian Bateman

5. Trash Can Craze

Somehow Americans litter more than most countries, but a trash bin can be found at almost every block. This carelessness is just one of the many things that other countries notice immediately. Why might there be trash next to the trash can? Hmmm.

Flickr/Joe Shatus Source: Flickr/Joe Shatus

6. Stubborn But Make It Confident

Americans tend to be overly confident with anything they do. Even if they’re blatantly wrong they will stand behind their wrongness in the most confident way possible.

Flickr/Frederick Dennstedt Source: Flickr/Frederick Dennstedt

7. Hostess With The Mostess

Almost every resturant in America has a host/hostess to seat you to your table. But other countries just have people seat themselves, even at fancier resturants. Now that’s chillaxed to the MAX.

Flickr Image Source: Flickr Image

8. Baseball Hats On Everyone

“Take me out to the ball game” or anywhere for that matter… Americans love their baseball caps. Sometimes you’ll notice you’re walking in a sea of baseball hats but no game in sight. That’s just another American cork.

Flickr/WernerBelden Source: Flickr/WernerBelden

9. Smiling All The Time

Americans have a habit of smiling at anyone and anything. It’s a way we show that we’re friendly. But anywhere else it’s a bit weird to be smiling all the time… and a very obvious “American thing”

Flickr/ Ivan Strahov Source: Flickr/ Ivan Strahov

10. It’s Getting Hot In Here

When people travel to America they notice immediatly how many air conditioners there are. They find it to be very cold inside and unnecessary… But we’re sweating just thinking about a life without AC!

Flickr/ Curtis Berryman Source: Flickr/ Curtis Berryman

11. Karaoke Anywhere

Americans don’t have any problem busting out the lyrics to their favorite song in public. But other countries find it pretty weird… It’s easy to tell who the American is when “Don’t Stop Believing” comes on the radio.

Flickr/Pak Gwei Source: Flickr/Pak Gwei

12. Commercial Overload

American TV is loaded with commercials that we don’t want to watch. In other countries commercials aren’t nearly as long and aren’t that regular. What a dream !

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