10+ times people had no problem being incredibly rude

Not everyone is as nice as we would hope them to be. There is something visceral about encountering someone who deliberately chooses to reject all social boundaries and cause harm to the people around them. Sometimes, these people get caught on camera.

Check out these incredibly rude people.

1. Message and a bottle

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Sometimes people are just plain gross. The janitor had enough of students peeing in bottles and putting them in the trash, so she took the liberty of putting them in the sink. Hopefully, she taught them a lesson.

2. Clean up on aisle 3

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It looks like there was a unicorn rave on this aisle. Even if it was a kid who did this, there is no excuse. Someone needs some coal in their stocking.

3. Emails and a movie

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You can get some pretty nasty looks when you answer your phone in a movie. This is even worse. Imagine having the nerve to pull out your laptop in the theater!

4. On the button

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I’m sure if you jaywalked here, the cops would understand. Whoever did this is just trying to be annoying.

5. “Someone will take care of it”

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People who always say something like “someone else can take care of it” are people that I don’t hang out with. This girl was eating and spitting shells on the ground.

6. Watch the knees

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While nobody enjoys kneeling on concrete, vandalizing someone’s product isn’t a solution to that. This woman decided to use bread as her personal kneepad and didn’t even buy it.

7. Personal space (feet edition)

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Nobody wants to see OR smell your feet. As a general rule, when you are in public keep them out of sight. This poor little girl probably doesn’t like sports anymore after this!

8. Baby changing table

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Now, this is a different level. We get it, your baby had an accident. The dinner table at a public restaurant is not where we want to see OR smell it.

9. My mom would have beat me

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Oh, your kid made a mess? It happens and is totally understandable. What is NOT understandable is a mess to this extent, ESPECIALLY when you leave it for someone else to clean up.

10. Litterbug

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Blatant littering just makes me angry. I have seen people throw entire fast food meals out of their car window at a light. What kind of person does this?

11. Blocking the paramedics

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Some people can’t imagine a world where they aren’t the most important person. This is one of those people. Parking and blocking the paramedics could put someone’s life at risk.

12. Why are you like this?

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I love pranks, don’t get me wrong. There is just a difference between a prank and cruelty. This crosses a line. Don’t ever leave a tip like this.


Some people are just jerks. Thankfully, most people aren’t doing things like this. Seeing these things reminds us that we don’t know the rudeness or cruelty people are experiencing. Just be nice to people.

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