10+ fascinating ways music has changed people's lives

When you travel around the world, you notice that different countries have their own languages, cultures, cuisines, and more, but there’s one thing that connects people no matter where they’re from: music.

Music is a universal language, a global force, and while it may come in many different genres and styles, from hard rock to smooth jazz, music always has the ability to bring people together.

Music can make us feel almost any emotion, from joy and excitement to sorrow and heartache. It’s there for us on the bad days, and the good days, and it can sometimes be the best friend we have. So let’s take a closer look at a dozen ways in which music has changed our lives and our world!

1) Music Can Make You Feel More Creative

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If you’re an artist or creative person of some kind, listening to music while you work can help to stimulate your imagination. Researchers believe that this is because music lowers stress levels and gives people more energy, helping them focus more keenly on creative acts.

2) Music Can Help You Get Better Sleep

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Listening to music before bed might seem counterintuitive, but it can actually help you sleep more peacefully in the long run. Studies show that those who listen to gentle and soothing tunes before bed drift to sleep more quickly and wake fewer times in the night as well.

3) Music Can Help With Your Workout

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Listening to music can be a major boost to anyone exercising. The movement of the music helps to enhance your concentration and encourages you to move your body and push your muscles to the limit.

4) Music Can Strengthen Your Immune System

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It might seem strange, but research has shown that music can even make your immune system stronger. It helps with the production of antibodies that fight back against infections.

5) Music Can Help With Alzheimer’s

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Alzheimer’s is a terrible condition for those affected and their families, but music can help. Those who play, sing, or even listen to their favorite songs regularly tend to have better memories and healthier brains.

6) Music Can Help Reduce Road Rage

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A lot of people like to listen to music while they drive, and since it helps to reduce stress levels and help us relax, it also makes us less likely to give in to road rage.

7) Music Can Help Kids Cooperate

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Music classes can be so helpful for kids’ development. They help them learn new skills, but also teach them the importance of cooperation when singing and playing together in time with others.

8) Music Can Keep Your Brain Healthy In Old Age

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It’s quite a big challenge to learn an instrument, but if you can pull it off, you’ll be doing your brain a big favor. Research shows that older people who play instruments have more active and healthy brains in general.

9) Music Can Even Help You Heal Faster

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Amazingly, studies have shown that people who listen to music during and after an operation have faster healing times on average than those who don’t!

10) Music Can Make You More Productive

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Ever tried listening to music while you work? Studies show that it can actually make you more productive, with upbeat tunes and cheerful melodies helping people to focus on their work throughout the day.

11) Music Can Even Help With Cancer Treatment

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Cancer is the biggest killer we’ve ever seen, and researchers are working tirelessly every day to try and find a cure. One thing they’ve discovered is that music therapy can actually help cancer patients cope with the stresses of their treatment, and this has been especially effective in teens and kids.

12) Music Can Help Us Relax

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This is probably one you know already, but listening to music you’re familiar with can help you feel relaxed and less stressed. So the next time you’re feeling a little worn out or anxious, put on your favorite tunes.

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