10+ women share photos with and without makeup – say they are treated differently with each look

Whether or not you want to wear makeup is completely up to you — not your friends, not your family, and certainly not random strangers on the street. If it makes you happy, wear it. If you’d rather not, don’t! Does it really matter, anyway?

Well, apparently it does. A Quora user asked women if they were treated differently when they wore makeup, the answer was, unfortunately, yes. It’s not an ideal answer, but it’s true. While women may choose to wear makeup to enhance their features or simply just for fun, it sadly takes on a wider meaning to other people.

Here are some responses to that question from women themselves, along with some interesting before and after photos to go with it.

1. “I look like a prepubescent teen with zero makeup…”

“…While having makeup on gives me a little boost of confidence around new people, it does not necessarily mean that they will treat me better,” Phoebe wrote on Quora.

“However, I do notice a slight difference in the types of people I attract…

I look like a prepubescent teen with zero makeup…

When I am barefaced, I feel like guys show more respect and take me more seriously as opposed to when I have a full beat on.”

Phoebe Demetria Source: Phoebe Demetria

2. “I’m 21 but look 16 without makeup”

“With makeup, I definitely get more male attention. Men are nicer to me; they hold the door, buy me drinks, and give me compliments. Men also tend to stare at me and attempt to strike up a conversation more often. I get complimented on my makeup whenever I go to the mall. Women beg me to teach them how I do my eyebrows…

I’m a manager at a retail store and don’t wear makeup to work. As a result, a lot of customers don’t take me seriously and think I’m just a kid. I’m 21 but look 16 without makeup. Men aren’t as chivalrous and tend to look past me. Women find me more approachable and friendly,” Cierra shared.

Cierra Irene Source: Cierra Irene

3. “My confidence grows significantly”

“While my face is fine/average naturally, it looks 10000x times better when I’m wearing makeup. My confidence grows significantly when I am wearing makeup, and I think that is actually a huge contributor to the amount of attention I get. Confidence attracts…

When I wear very minimal makeup I’m generally respected and my presence is received well. I come across as respectable and wholesome. People treat me very noticeably different when I have a full face on… People will notice me, and definitely be more friendly and accommodating.”

Charlotte Green Source: Charlotte Green

4. “When I wear makeup… The compliments are more genuine”

“There is a big difference when I do wear makeup, people compliment me and the compliments are more genuine,” Jennifer wrote. “I get stared at sometimes which is unsettling for me and people are usually more nice to me… Most guys are more intimidated and don’t really try and talk to me much.”

Jennifer Stone Source: Jennifer Stone

5. “I like using makeup to accentuate my features”

“Over the years, I’ve realized three things: I am too lazy to put on a full face every day. I hate isolation. You can’t change anyone’s opinion about you. In fact, it is much harder to change your own perception of self. So, I came back. I stopped caring. I stopped listening to the voice in my head that said I had to be liked by everyone. I also stopped hanging out with friends who prodded with my insecurities. I don’t care much for people’s reactions anymore.”

Gayathri Mahesh Source: Gayathri Mahesh

6. “I enjoy wearing it… It makes me actually feel like an adult”

“I have been told several times that I look younger without makeup. When my mother was in the hospital about a year ago I had no energy to put on makeup, so I would visit her ‘au natural’. Every nurse that came in asked me which school I went to – and they didn’t mean university, they meant high school. They all thought this 34-year-old woman was a high-schooler,” Krysta wrote.

“You would think this would keep me away from the makeup, right? Hell no – I enjoy wearing it, and it makes me actually feel like an adult. Especially with the response I get when I’m not wearing it.”

Krysta Storer Source: Krysta Storer

7. “I feel like I do not get as many stares, and it’s honestly great”

“I find that there is a significant difference in the way I am treated in both circumstances.

When I am wearing a full face of makeup I notice that most women will gravitate towards me and generally trust my opinions on general matters… Men, on the other hand, will definitely stare, at times it feels very uncomfortable.

When I am not wearing makeup I feel that I do not get many stares or looks, and it honestly feels great as I’m sort of introverted and really do not like getting attention… During conversations, I am usually received well and I feel that my personality and character are shining through sort of. I feel more heard. ”

Abby Chebli Source: Abby Chebli

8. “People generally seem more attentive or friendly when I have makeup…”

“[In] customer service, people generally seem more attentive or friendly when I have makeup compared to when I don’t.

At the end of the day I think it’s a confidence thing. For some people, makeup helps them feel confident so that shows on the outside and people respond to that. Whereas if you feel less confident and reserved without makeup people also respond to how that reflects on your outside.”

Jadyn Bryant Smith Source: Jadyn Bryant Smith

9. “Men approach me more, even with my husband by my side”

“When I am wearing full/club makeup, complete with dark eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipstick, I notice that people are very, very nice to me. Men approach me more—even with my husband by my side. Women are generally very nice as well: they compliment my makeup and are friendly.

When I wear full makeup, the compliments are endless; it’s almost as if I can say nothing wrong…

…when I am wearing my version of “no makeup” which is barely filling in my brows to make them visible, and a swipe of mascara, I feel like an average person. I am approached way less and garner next to no looks.”

Shannon Niernberger Source: Shannon Niernberger

10. “With makeup, I’m hit on by much older guys”

“I don’t notice heaps of difference, but I do notice that when I wear makeup, everyone thinks I’m older than I actually am.

This means that with makeup, I’m hit on by much older guys than when I’m not wearing makeup. Usually, when I’m not wearing makeup, I get hit on by guys my age (and sometimes younger!).

Everyone mistakes me for 18 (I’m 16) and I’ve even been mistaken for 22 before! It’s always 18-year-olds that hit on me with makeup, but sometimes it’ll be men aged like 30.

Other than that, I don’t notice much of a difference, just everyone is very surprised when I tell them my age.”

Abbey Miranda Source: Abbey Miranda

11. “Without it they see me as your regular ugly person”

“When I wear makeup people seem to notice my acne more. It’s strange like they pick up on it.

But one time I was wearing makeup and nice lipstick and a tall man came up to me and told me I stick out of the crowd and invited me to a yacht party. Without it they see me as your regular ugly person and really completely ignore me.

I might have a guy approach me with makeup on and get a more physical positive feedback and negative mental feedback.”

Jariri Davis Source: Jariri Davis

12. “I think it’s just a confidence booster”

“I love makeup, it’s fun to play with. I’m 45, so I feel like I look better with makeup.

I thought I looked drastically different without makeup, but looking at these photos I really don’t see much difference. I think it’s just a confidence booster.”

Brandi Rhodes Source: Brandi Rhodes

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