10+ uses for coffee filters that have nothing to do with coffee and will make your life easier
Nobody needs help in understanding what a coffee filter is for – it’s kind of in the name. But if you have a whole heap of them lying around, why not use them for other jobs around the home? That’s right, coffee-filters are multi-functional, and can help you out in all manner of basic cleaning tasks.
Here’s everything you need to know about the uses of coffee filters that don’t involve filtering coffee:
1. Cleaning your glasses
Anyone who has glasses knows what a pain they can be to clean. No matter how careful you are, you end up with finger-smudges all over the lenses, and wiping them with your t-shirt makes virtually no difference. Instead of resorting to a tissue, use a coffee filter instead. It’ll get rid of any lingering residue with just one back-and-forth wipe.
2. Preventing plant pot spillages
If you like to brighten up your home with plants and flowers, a simple way to prevent soil spillage is to place a coffee filter at the very bottom of your plant pot. This will keep the surfaces you’ve placed your plants on nice and clean.
3. Potty training cleanup
There’s nothing that will ever make potty training more pleasant, but coffee filters can certainly make the performance a little easier. Prepare for when your little ‘un does a number 2 in their potty by putting a filter on the potty’s base. Then all you need to do is remove the offending item, bag it, and bin it.
4. Eliminating bad smells
This hack requires another much-loved versatile home cleaning product: baking soda. Just add a touch of the magic powder to a coffee filter and tie it shut. Drop a filter in each of your smelliest shoes and leave them overnight. Your shoes will smell far better come morning.
5. Using to store snacks
When times are tough – or you just don’t want to wash up! – coffee filters can be used as quick and easy snack bowls for treats like popcorn and chips. You can reuse them, too – just shake out the crumbs and they’re ready to be re-filled.
6. Cleaning your cell phone
You have to be really careful with what you can use to wipe down your delicate cell phone screen, but you can’t go wrong with a coffee filter. It’ll clean off lint and smudges without leaving scratches.
7. Scrubbing surfaces
Not many of us realize just how durable coffee filters are! If you’ve got a tough stain on your baking dishes, pans, or skillets, you can use a coffee filter to scratch the stain away – without causing any damage to your cookware. Simply throw used filters away after use.
8. Storing moving supplies
Don’t waste your money on bags, small boxes, and other packing materials. Instead, keep things simple and split your moving supplies up with coffee filters. They’ll be protected from scratching against each other during the move.
9. Absorbing grease
Some people love grease, while others think it ruins foods. If you’re one of the latter, you can quickly mop up the worst of the grease using a coffee filter. It’ll work just like a paper towel to absorb the grease right out of the food item.
10. Cleaning windows
Just like coffee filters can be used to clean your glasses and phone screens, it’s also very effective on the window glass. For this hack, you’ll also need some vinegar (apple cider is best). Spray it straight onto your window and wipe it off with your coffee filter.
11. Makeshift bib
For messy kids who are too old for bibs, you can still keep their clothes splatter-free by using coffee filters. Just get them to hold the filter directly under a messy treat while they eat it. This will catch the drops, and you can simply trash it once your child has finished eating.
12. Providing a platform for cooking utensils
When you’re busy stirring the contents of your cooking pots and pans, it’s easy for countertops to become covered with drips from your cooking utensils. Save the cleanup by creating a little coffee filter platform for your utensils to sit on during cooking.
13. Greasing cookware
Greasing baking dishes with your fingers is a messy job, and it takes way too long to get the butter off your fingers afterward. Grab an unbleached filter and use it to wipe grease onto your cookware without getting your hands messy.
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