14-year-old wows audiences with stunning roller blade routine - earning her 1st place


When you’re a kid, some things just come naturally. Swimming, soccer, running – you could do it for hours. Some kids even discover that they’re actually pretty good at the things they love doing. Like Sofia Bogdanova, a 14-year-old roller skater from Moscow, Russia.

Sofia isn’t a typical rollerskating kid. You won’t find her whizzing along pavements, struggling to stay upright and laughing when she falls down. Oh, no – Sofia is one of the best roller skaters in the world.


Though she’s only just a teen, this ambitious young girl already has 6 world champion titles to her name. She glides on her roller skates like the professionals do on ice skates, despite the wheels and clunkiness of the footwear.

YouTube screenshot Source: YouTube screenshot

Unsurprisingly, Sofia has caught the attention of quite a few fans over the years. She’s already more popular than we’ll ever be on her YouTube channel, with more than 18,000 subscribers. She’s posted a few clips of herself in training and during competition, which are well worth a watch.


But the video no-one can stop talking about today is this one. It features Sofia at Wuyishan Rollerskating Festival, where she bagged the prize for 1st place for the Junior Female Classic Slalom.


Standing in a dress with a sky-blue ruffled skirt, Sofia radiates elegance before she even begins to move. But then she takes off, spinning smoothly on one foot, and we know we’re in for a beautiful performance.

One of Sofia’s best tricks is being able to weave between cones, seemingly without even checking where she’s going. This trick must have taken hours and hours of practice! There is nothing jerky or hurried about Sofia’s movements, either – she moves as fluidly as if she’s swimming through water.


Sofia must have incredible balance, because she rears up onto just one wheel to make her movements quicker. With Amy Lee’s “Speak to me” playing as her backing track, Sofia reaches the end of the cones and spins gracefully. Then she heads back the way she came – this time backwards.

Using her left leg to show off her ambidextrous abilities, Sofia picks up some speed, lifting her arms up either side of her for balance while she weaves in and out of the cones. She changes directions so quickly that we can barely even register the movement before it happens.


But Sofia is here to prove that skating while standing up isn’t the peak of her talents. She squats down to the floor, crossing one leg over the other and holding it out in front of her. She stays in this position while tackling the green cones… backwards.

This young lady is something else!

Sofia goes back to standing to finish off her routine at the orange cones. Though the course is the very definition of the word “difficult”, Sofia makes it look ridiculously simple. Yet we know we could never, ever master even the most basic of her moves, even with a lifetime of training.


Viewers clearly had the same view as us, with one writing:

“You can just imagine the amount of hard work she put into it to make it look so effortless and easy.”

They’ve got that right!


Hard work over, Sofia goes to hang out with her friend and sips from a water bottle like she hasn’t just defied physics and pulled off an incredible feat. What a girl!

You can check out Sofia’s incredible roller skating moves in the video below.

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Source: See it Live, YouTube/ Ericdaryl, YouTube/ Sofia Bogdanova
