15+ adorable giant dogs who don’t realize how big they are

All dogs think that they are still puppies – no matter what size they are now. If they see you, they’ll jump right at you and expect you to cuddle them just like when they were still tiny.

After all, they were all once small, and they still remember the way you cuddled them, the way you put them on your lap, and the way you carried them using just one hand.

Now that they’re all grown up (and by grown up we mean huge dogs) they still think they are the same tiny dogs who you can bring anywhere. Because we love them too much, we just can’t turn them down and see their disappointed faces, right? So, we try our best to accommodate these giant babies, and the outcome is just too hilarious!

If you have a big puppy, then you’ll definitely understand what we mean. Check out these 20 hilariously adorable photos of these massive mutts!

1) Sit next to you

Imgur Source: Imgur

This little good boy used to rest next to his owner and watch TV on the couch. However, it seems that he hasn’t noticed that he’s a big boy now – but dogs are determined creatures, right?

He may look a bit uncomfortable, but he still tries his best to bond with his owner, just like the old times. Look at that huge tail!

2) Who’s taller?

Imgur Source: Imgur

Some dogs love to dance, and it’s always nice to be able to play with your dog this way too. But what if your dog is this big?

We’re not sure if this is still a good idea, especially if your dog loves to do this with strangers as well.

He’s even taller than mom!

3) Mom, I’m tired!

Imgur Source: Imgur

Do you love to jog or hike with your dog? Some dogs love it as they are very active, but others? Well, just look at this one right here.

This big baby seems so tired, and just like toddlers, you won’t be able to force them to take another step… unless you carry them.

It looks like this lady got more than what she bargained for.

4) I need a new bed!

Imgur Source: Imgur

It seems that these two good boys made a deal. We feel bad for the bigger doggo because it looks like he got scammed!

While the smaller doggo has a lot of space, the bigger one tried his best to fit on the small bed. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, it didn’t work out.

We hope his fur mom gets him a bigger bed soon.

5) Forever a lap dog

Imgur Source: Imgur

No matter how big they are now, they will always be lap dogs. This is especially true when they grow up believing that they will always fit on your lap.

He may look huge for his dad’s lap, but you can’t say no to this big pup, can you?

6) Missing the crate

Imgur Source: Imgur

When this guy saw this crate, he immediately tried to stay inside. He might have started wondering why his crate got smaller, not realizing that he’s a big boy now.

We just hope his owner will be able to help him get out.

7) Always make room for me

Imgur Source: Imgur

What’s wrong with this photo? Well, seeing that she now has a big doggo, she should start saving for a huge bed. This way, her dog won’t have a hard time sleeping next to her.

Lesson: Always make room for your big puppies!

8) Hank can do it too

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When you have cats, it’s just normal for them to lay in your lap while you’re working, but what if you have Hank?

Hank thinks he’s only as big as a kitten. Hank thinks he can keep his owner company and just stay there quietly while he’s working.

Sorry, Hank, but we have to break it to you. Your owner won’t get any work done now.

9) Sweetest big baby

Imgur Source: Imgur

A big K9 dog trying his best to nap with his human may be one of the sweetest photos we’ve seen. His position may be uncomfortable, and the bed might be small, but his devotion is enough for him to try and make it work. Now, that’s love.

10) The perfect sofa for him

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Dogs love to chill on a comfy couch, usually with their owners, but this guy is different. He keeps the couch all for himself. Even if his owner wanted to join him, they won’t fit.

Maybe, they need to get a bigger couch for the whole family to enjoy.

11) He thinks he’s still a puppy

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Some restaurants will allow you to bring your pet with you, as long as they can fit on your lap or as long as they won’t disturb other customers.

We’re thinking that the restaurant owners allowed this big puppy to stay because he’s partially still a lap-dog. What do you think?

12) Tired doodle

Reddit Source: Reddit

Is this a stuffed toy bear? Maybe it’s a man in a costume? What do you think?

He’s actually a very exhausted dog who fell asleep like this for 20 minutes. Still adorable, if you ask us!

13) Better than a warm blanket

Reddit Source: Reddit

Do you ever feel cold in the office and wish you had a warm blanket? Well, we have a better idea for you!

Instead of getting a warm blanket, why not get a huge puppy like this one? Not only will you feel his warmth, but you will also love the fluffiness and happiness that this dog can give you.

14) Forever lap dog

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We love how sweet this fur-mom is with her polar bear. Oh wait, it’s her dog. Sorry, we got confused.

Look at how sweet they are. Her dog might be big, but he’s still the lapdog that everyone in her family loves.

15) Just chillin

Imgur Source: Imgur

Having a pool party? Always save a spot for a giant pup. Just look at how the other guests were shocked to see this big puppy!

Don’t mind him, he’s just chillin around and enjoying himself.

16) Love you lil brother

Imgur Source: Imgur

Having a dog as your brother and best friend is incomparable. You have a playmate, a best buddy, and even someone to protect you.

However, being cuddled by a big dog is something that you need to get used to, especially if it’s getting harder to breathe.

17) Small couch

Imgur Source: Imgur

Dogs love to watch television with their owners, but this guy can’t help but feel bored and disappointed.

If he could complain to his owner, he would have already asked them why they have such a small couch. He’s big, bored, and uncomfortable.

18) Comfort pillow

Reddit Source: Reddit

We think this bed has been with him since he was just a puppy. He sure loves the smell and the comfort that it gives him.

It may be a small bed, but this big puppy sure looks comfortable.

19) Well-behaved passenger

Reddit Source: Reddit

Who wouldn’t love to see a dog on a train? A cute, well-behaved doggo on your train ride will surely help you enjoy the amount of time you spend traveling.

This one is extra special though! Just look at his size, and we must say, he’s very well-behaved too.

20) Cuddle time!

Reddit Source: Reddit

Suffering from insomnia? Well, we have a cure for that. Buy a big bed and let your big puppers sleep with you!

Cuddle time is so much better when you have these big babies. Their warmth, love, and cuddles will definitely give you the best sleep!

We couldn’t get enough of these big puppies! They’re so hilarious and so lovable too. Which one is your favorite?

If you also have a big dog who still acts like a puppy, then don’t forget to share your photos with us!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

H/T: Animal Channel
