15 animals that prove moms never get a break – no matter what species they are

Have kids they say! It’ll be great they say!

Ok, we have to propagate the species and all, but this mom thing looks anything but glamorous

Granted, kids are cute and all – and so are baby animals – but you can just feel these little critters getting on their mothers’ last nerves.

Can you punish a polar bear or a puppy? Admonish a monkey?

These babies are about to find out.

1. Mom, hey mom, mom, MOM, MAAAHM

How cute is this little kitten?

Pretty cute unless you’re the one getting clawed in the face by it.

Looks like this mama cat is pretty patient with her progeny.

via Cheezburger Source: via Cheezburger

2. Mom, look! Why aren’t you looking?

Mama cheetah and her little cheeto look like they’ve been playing together for a while – and mom’s just about done.

It looks like she needs some alone time to us.

Baba Mail Source: Baba Mail

3. Are you asleep, mom?

Not anymore!

This little doggie daughter isn’t about to let mom fall asleep on the job.

What’s the job? Watching her puppy run around for hours a day.

Screencap via EthanF/Reddit Source: Screencap via EthanF/Reddit

4. I said get over here!

It’s not only human kids who misbehave. Animals have to put a lot of work into keeping their children from wandering off and doing dangerous things as well.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

5. Mom, he started it!

Mama hippo is *thisclose* to losing it, you can just tell.

All she’s trying to do is have a quiet moment when her kids decide that there’s no such thing.

Vetfix Center Source: Vetfix Center

6. Eww, stop kissing!

How sweet is this photo?!

Looks like baby isn’t having any of this mommy-daddy romance though.

No siblings for you, little guy!

WaiYuLookAtMyUserName/Imgur Source: WaiYuLookAtMyUserName/Imgur

7. Sometimes you just can’t get the monkey off your back

Or, in this case, the gorilla (monkeys have tails, gorillas do not).

This gorilla mom looks like she’s saying a silent prayer for a moment to herself sometime soon.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

8. Dammit, I told you not to jump off that glacier

What an incredible photo!

It just goes to show you that all kids are fearless and all parents just want them to be careful enough not to maim themselves.

But that’s too much to ask, apparently, regardless of what species you belong to.

ElleRelle17/Reddit Source: ElleRelle17/Reddit

9. Hey mom, what’s in your ear?

There’s nothing like a kiddo crawling on your head.

It’s not like you need to need to use those eyes or ears.

Reddit Source: Reddit

10. Are we having fun yet?

Ah, the glamour of motherhood. At least she won’t have to raise them for 18 years and then send them to college.

But that looks like little consolation at the moment.

Baba Mail Source: Baba Mail

11. I nibble dis

Kids have to learn their own strength at some point. And sometimes they have to do it by chewing on their parents a little.

At least mom is the least likely to be angry when you draw blood.

loopdeloops/Reddit Source: loopdeloops/Reddit

12. Come back, mom!

Mama tiger looks like she’s had it and she’s willing to let everyone just go feral.

The kids, on the other hand, look like they’re regretting whatever they just did to spark mom’s retreat.

Baba Mail Source: Baba Mail

13. What have I done?

This sweet new mom has a look in her eyes that makes us wonder if she knew just what this whole motherhood thing was going to be all about.

If not, she certainly gets it now!

franticmuffin Source: franticmuffin

14. No, mom, don’t go!

Here’s another feline female who looks like she’s had enough.

But those kittens aren’t letting her go anytime soon.

Baba Mail Source: Baba Mail

15. Be quiet and get in your hole

Sometimes parenting involves picking up your kid and putting them where they belong, whether it’s in their rooms, cribs, or snow holes.

Looks like this polar bear cub is GROUNDED!

headlikeanorange/tumblr Source: headlikeanorange/tumblr


Mom’s we salute you!

Maybe someday you’ll get that nap.

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