15 animals who just stopped by to say “hey”

Most animals belong in the wild, but sometimes they just want to come out and say hello to their fellow Earth-dwellers.

It can be startling to see a wild animal near your home, but most of them have just lost their way and are happy to stay calm as long as you do.

Here are 15 times animals ended up in the strangest places, appearing just to stop by and say hello!

Which ones would you let in?

1. Don’t seal me out, bro!

This is a pretty uncommon sight, even if you live near the beach.

But apparently, this exceptionally adorable baby seal was just coming up on land to check out the neighborhood.

Maybe he’s interested in investing in some real estate.

jraines/Reddit Source: jraines/Reddit

2. Won’t you join me, please?

Raccoons are pretty hard to scare away, especially when they’ve gotten comfortable on your porch furniture.

This critter looks like he came by to share a drink and a chat.

Studystand/Reddit Source: Studystand/Reddit

3. Are we having a backyard barbecue or what?

We’re not sure what we would make of a fox showing up at our back door, although this one looks awfully sweet.

Maybe he thinks if he acts like a dog, someone will let him in.

Gitmaw888/Reddit Source: Gitmaw888/Reddit

4. Hey, whatcha eatin’?

Well, that’s terrifying! While it certainly makes for a great photo, a big bear at your patio door is beyond startling.

He looks like he smelled what’s cooking and followed his nose.

radiogunk/Imgur Source: radiogunk/Imgur

5. I can haz peanut?

The Redditor who posted this adorable photo said:

“Every morning my grandmother feeds this squirrel a peanut, so every morning it shows up at her door. This was him today.”

What a sweet little creature. (But this is also why you don’t feed wild animals!)

idestroythesky/Reddit Source: idestroythesky/Reddit

6. Cow’s it goin’?

We’re not sure how many people have had a cow show up at their door and make their way in, but we’re guessing we could count them on one hand.

Maybe he sees himself as more of a housepet.

Mikepants/Imgur Source: Mikepants/Imgur

7. Hello sir, I’m your new dog

To be fair, if you leave a nice, cushy bed on the back porch, animals will find their way to it.

We’re not sure this buck is fitting in with the family any time soon, but he certainly looks willing to give it a go.

And how funny is it that the pets don’t seem at all distressed by this development?

malakistiri/Reddit Source: malakistiri/Reddit

8. Hello, we are stray cats

Here kitty kitty. Oh wait, not BOBkitty!

These bobcats are awfully cute, but not the kind of cats you want to start feeding in your backyard!

killawhaletank/Reddit Source: killawhaletank/Reddit

9. I thought this was the address for the garage sale

This family of cranes seems awfully disappointed that they were given the wrong address.

We’re not sure what you have to have in your garage to draw in these creatures, but they’re quite a sight to behold!

theonlyhappypanda/Reddit Source: theonlyhappypanda/Reddit

10. What the wha?!

Now that’s something you don’t see every day – or ever, for that matter!

It turns out this surprise guest was from a farm up the road. His name is “Roadrunner,” for obvious reasons.

Is a peacock on your porch a sign of good luck? If not, we think it should be.

Yorkshire92/Imgur Source: Yorkshire92/Imgur

11. Mom, can I keep her?

This beautiful and patient deer looks content to assimilate into the family.

While mom and dad are unlikely to take this creature in, she’s certainly endeared herself to the family cat.

Imgur Source: Imgur

12. Only in Canada

This is the most Canada thing to ever Canada.

We’d like to joke around and say this is probably an everyday occurrence for the northernmost part of North America, but we kind of doubt it.

These two look pretty comfortable posing for photos – we wonder if, once again, someone has been feeding the local wildlife.

Speedycheese/Imgur Source: Speedycheese/Imgur

13. We weren’t sure what color to get you

So you like vanilla, milk chocolate, or dark chocolate? Because you can have a lab in every color if you’re this lucky neighbor!

This trio seems to be too young to remember just which house is theirs – or else (more likely) they snuck out and are roaming the neighborhood looking for treats.

J4rrod_/Reddit Source: J4rrod_/Reddit

14. I see you picking your nose in there

This takes “watching you like a hawk” to a whole new level.

He looks pretty judgemental too – so what exactly is this guy doing in his office to draw this kind of attention?

Dr_Emmet_Brown Source: Dr_Emmet_Brown

15. Turtle terror

Apparently, this turtle was trying to break into someone’s house but just stared at them through the glass for an hour or so before moving on to his or her next task.

We hope it goes without saying that a snapping turtle can do some serious damage if you let it in.

danceswithcalicat/Reddit Source: danceswithcalicat/Reddit


Have you ever had a random wild animal stop by your home?

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