15 curious cat behaviors explained

Cats are interesting creatures that, sometimes, are very hard to understand. While they are very loveable and do things that regular pets do, they also do some strange things like rub against people’s legs or leap from chair to chair.

For the curious cat owners who are dying to have a better understanding of their pet’s actions, here are 15 behaviors explained.

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1. Hissing and/or growling

In case you weren’t sure, it’s not really good when your cat hisses or growls. It usually means that they are feeling angry or scared and they want to be alone. Save yourself and give them some space!

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2. Yowling and/or howling

Your cat is distressed if they are letting out a long howl. This could mean that they are either stuck, in pain, or looking for you. It could also be the sound of mating if they are not fixed.

3. Chattering

The sound of chattering is actually pretty dang cute, but it actually means that your cat is frustrated and trying to get something, or wants something.

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4. Sleeping on your chest

This means that you have a great relationship with your kitty and that they trust you! They feel comforted by your warmth and feel completely at ease.

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5. Kneading

Probably one of the most common behaviors of cats. Kneading means that they are comfortable in their space and they almost use it as a coping mechanism. It takes them back to when they were with their mothers, when they would knead their stomach to help produce milk. Now they’re just needing blankets or humans instead.

6. Jumping, making big leaps

This behavior can definitely be a bit confusing to cat owners, but it’s actually quite simple. When cats burst out and jump from nowhere, that is basically them getting their energy out. They can be like hyper children.

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7. Arching their backs

Cats arch their backs while lying on their sides a lot. It might seem like a simple (and adorable) stretch, which it is, but it is also their way of welcoming you. “You may now love me,” is what they are basically saying.

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8. Not covering their #2

The cool thing about cats is that they take care of their “business” in the litter box. When they go number two, they cover it up afterward. However, if they don’t do that and leave it uncovered, that means they are probably mad at you. Ouch.

9. Laying all over your stuff.

It’s plain and simple: they want your attention. Cats might come off as distant, independent creatures — which they are — but they still need affection.

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10. Purring

Your cat is very content. They are experiencing all of the joy.

11. Twitching tail

This means your cat is excited. Their tail with often times twitch when they see something stimulating, like a squirrel outdoors. It is a natural predatory reaction.

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12. Twitching ears

Twitching ears usually come before hissing and growling, so beware. Once again, give ’em space, because they are most likely irritated.

13. Blank stare and open mouth

There is actually a proper term for this: Flehman response. It looks creepy, but it is actually pretty complex. Basically, they are opening their mouth to smell the roof of their mouth. They’re trying to smell other scents since their nose ain’t functioning properly.

14. Rubbing against your legs

Another behavior that seems oh-so-cute! When they do that, they are marking their territory and trying to get their scent on you. It’s flattering though because it means they like you.

15. Tiny meow

This is your cat’s way of simply saying hello! It’s a special bonding moment. Maybe even meow back to them (just kidding, we’re not sure if it has the same effect but it sounds like a cute idea regardless).

Cats are very strange creatures, but there is a reason for all of their odd behaviors and that’s what makes them so lovable!

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