15 future police dogs trying to look fierce but accidentally being adorable instead
You have the right to remain adorable.
These puppies are reporting for training and trying hard to learn how to sniff out the bad stuff and keep citizens safe.
But the 15 paw enforcement officers-in-training ahead don’t exactly look ready for the mean streets just yet – unless you can stop crime with cuteness; then they’re ready to go!
1. Pocket protection
We think this puppy is a far better weapon than what this officer is currently holding.
Why use deadly force when you can disarm them with your charm?
2. Paw patrol
Do you really need armor when you’re carrying something this cute? Isn’t the puppy protection enough?
Just look at that face! He’s just 8 weeks old.
3. Fail up, pup
Not every dog is cut out for the force. Take Gavel, for example.
This cutie failed training because he just wanted to play and was getting too cozy with the criminals.
But he had been fostered by the governor of Queensland, Australia, who agreed to take him back in afterward.
It looks like it’ll be a life of politics for little Gavel. He’ll be great at all the meet-and-greets!
Police puppy flunked for being too friendly gets adorable new job in governor’s mansion: https://t.co/cE44Gf5Pyn pic.twitter.com/gFOXgGhm4l
— KVUE News (@KVUE) June 9, 2017
4. Re-paw-ting for duty
This puppy looks less ready to sniff for drugs and more prepared to greet all the weary travelers.
No wonder we’re not allowed to touch the airport dogs.
5. The fuzz
Can you imagine this little cutie trying to apprehend you?
Then again, he does have an expression that says “just try me.”
6. Squad goals
These babies have a long way to go before they get their own uniforms.
But for now, they’re still small enough to sleep inside someone else’s.
7. Pup car
We like our cop cars with puppies instead of sirens.
Doesn’t this look like a peacekeeper to you?
I bet he will be chewing on a bad guys arm in no time (xpost from /r/ProtectAndServe from r/aww
8. Cop hat and tails
We’d be more than happy to pull this little one out of a hat!
We were always told there was a cat in the hat.
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9. If the vest fits…
Well, in this case, the vest doesn’t quite fit.
It looks like it’ll take a lot more growing – both physically and emotionally – for this dog to go out on pawtrol.
10. What do you mean I have to get a job?
Poor pups – most of their kind gets to sit at home all day and wait for the next treat and pet session.
Meanwhile, police dogs have to train for months and put their lives on the line.
11. K-9 (weeks)
This puppy is also failing his uniform fitting.
But by the looks of those paws, he’s going to be a big boy soon enough.
12. Deputy dog
This pup is pooped after a long day of training.
Where are the snacks and naps already?!
My local PD just got a new puppy who is so ready to be done with pictures and just take a nap. from r/aww
13. I am the law
We confess!…to finding this dog adorable.
He already looks pretty serious and comfortable with the gear.
Maybe some dogs were born for the law.
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14. Guardian
Oakley is doing a great job of protecting mom’s police car.
He might draw a little extra attention to it though – how could anyone stay away?
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15. New sheruff in town
This pup looks pretty young to have a sheriff’s badge.
But we’d totally believe he won the election.
It’s amazing to think of all the training these puppies will endure. Don’t they look so sweet and playful?
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Source: H/T Bored Panda