15 photos that basically prove GSD puppies are the cutest things on Earth
Ok, so all dogs are cute. And a dog doesn’t have to be a purebred GSD to pull at our heartstrings.
Aside from being mind-bendingly cute, GSDs are loyal, gentle, and intelligent. And they can also be fierce guardians.
But there’s nothing fierce (yet) about these 15 pups. Just try to get through these photos without saying “AWWW.”
1. Cutest co-worker
How could anyone possibly get work done with this cheerful little ball of fuzz running around?
In fact, he doesn’t even need to be running – he just has to sit there!
My boss got a puppy and brought her into the office. Productivity went waaay down. from r/aww
2. (S)nose
We don’t know why dogs love snow so much but it’s too cute when they walk around with it on their nose.
This puppy is next-level adorbs though, even on a sunny day.
My puppy Gigi, figured she could get some love here from r/Eyebleach
3. Un-bear-able cuteness
Oh, c’mon, that’s at least 50% bear, right?
Maybe teddy bear?
This is our GSD pup, Pepper, we believe she is part bear. from r/aww
4. Sharing is caring
We’re not sure who is going to end up with the stick but we’re glad we don’t have to decide based on whose eyes look sadder!
Clearly dogs evolved to make our hearts melt with those faces.
5. Hey, buddy
Don’t you just want to give a big ol’ hug to this happy German Shepherd?
We’re not sure if he or she just heard a good joke or what, but we’re certainly smiling along.
6. Splish splash
The day puppies learn water is fun is never a good day for humans.
This little guy is lucky he’s so impossibly cute though.
Could you really be mad at that face?
Well he figured out that he can splash water everywhere from r/aww
7. Puppy or rabbit?
Those ears!
Can you even grow into ears that big?!
8. Please love me
We give major props to people who work in shelters and don’t come home with a truckload of animals every day.
This guy wouldn’t have even made it to the adoption page if we’d laid eyes on him.
This fluffy boy came into the shelter I work at from r/MadeMeSmile
9. So cool
Who doesn’t love some air conditioning in the summer?
In fact, dogs just seem to really love air blowing on their faces.
10. Please, sir, can I have some more?
Why do puppies always manage to look like no one has ever fed them in their entire lives the minute their food dishes are empty?
Just trying saying “no more” to this face!
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11. Hungry eyes
Just give this dog whatever it wants.
Snuggles? Treats for days? The keys to our car?
He can have them all.
12. Wait for me!
Oh, that puppy energy! There’s just so darn much of it.
It’s great when you catch them in action though – especially when those ears are flopping around.
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13. Come play!
Yep, 10 hours of snuggles, coming right up.
Could you ever be done rubbing this belly?
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14. Disarm with charm
We think this dog has some room to grow into his new position with the K9 unit.
It’s amazing to think he’ll fit in that vest pretty soon.
15. So nosey
Puppuccino time!
That must have been a pretty impressive nose dive to result in so much foam.
Ok, we’re ready to go adopt a German Shepherd.
Who’s coming?
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Source: H/T Bored Panda