15 things dogs do and what they really mean

Dogs bark, whine, howl, and growl as a way to communicate with their humans. And when they are in pain or scared, they whimper, pant, and scream While some humans are able to understand the way dogs communicate, others remain confused and clueless.

If you own a dog and you’re just building a relationship with your pet, here are 15 common dog behaviors and what they mean.

1. Showing those puppy dog eyes

Unsplash-Austin Kirk Source: Unsplash-Austin Kirk

Admit it. Once your dog starts showing those adorable puppy eyes, you find it hard to say no.

When dogs do this behavior, humans tend to perceive it as an infant-like reaction. That’s why we find it extra hard to ignore dogs when they do it.

Though this behavior raises a human’s feel-good hormone, it’s his way of telling you that he loves you.

2. Being empathetic

Unsplash-Eric Ward Source: Unsplash-Eric Ward

For some reason, dogs are able to know when their humans are upset. And once they feel that, they’ll do everything they can to offer comfort.

A dog may rest his head on his human’s lap or sit next to him. He may even lick his human as if he’s trying to remove his sad feelings.

Clearly, dogs have a way to read their owners’ body language.

3. Squinting

Unsplash-Martin Castro Source: Unsplash-Martin Castro

If you know that your dog isn’t having any problem with his eyes but you often find him squinting, there’s a good chance that he’s just trying to get your attention.

Ask yourself if you’ve been too busy with work. If you do, reassess your schedule and try to spend more time with your precious dog.

4. Staying close to you

Unsplash-Cassiano Psomas Source: Unsplash-Cassiano Psomas

Dogs are loyal animals so you shouldn’t wonder why they always want to be next to their humans. Although it’s annoying, they’re just doing it to be close to you. After all, you’re the only one he considers as a member of his “pack”.

5. Sleeping on your bed

Unsplash-Brooke Cagle Source: Unsplash-Brooke Cagle

Try not to get mad at your dog if you find him sleeping on your bed when you’re not there. It’s just his way of making himself feel like you’re at home with him. It makes him feel safe and comfortable.

6. Greeting you like crazy

Unsplash-Joe Caione Source: Unsplash-Joe Caione

It’s hard to be away from their favorite people all day. That’s one of the reasons why dogs go crazy when their humans finally get home.

They’ll wag their tails and jump around excitedly. Even though the behavior is a bit wild, it makes most humans feel happy to get home.

7. Licking

Unsplash-Laula Co Source: Unsplash-Laula Co

Most humans are perfectly fine with their dogs licking their hands or their face. These people know that such behavior only reflects dogs’ love. It’s also a sign that he’s just being submissive.

8. Bringing gifts

Unsplash-Karin Hiselius Source: Unsplash-Karin Hiselius

Don’t freak out when you see your dog bringing a dead animal or the neighbor’s sock at home. He’s not trying to annoy or scare you. In fact, he’s just trying his best to make you smile.

9. Sleeping on their sides

Unsplash-Jenny Jackson Source: Unsplash-Jenny Jackson

Dog’s don’t always show their bellies. That’s why they don’t often sleep on their sides.

But if you find your dog sleeping this way, consider it a sign of trust and a strong familial bond. He knows that no one will harm him when you’re around.

10. Growling lowly

Unsplash-Daniel Lincoln Source: Unsplash-Daniel Lincoln

This is a sign of anxiety and an anxious dog can behave in erratic ways. Don’t try to surprise him or he may show react negatively.

11. Leaning

Unsplash-Jon Grogan Source: Unsplash-Jon Grogan

If your dog leans on you often, he’s not trying to make himself feel comfortable. It’s his way of saying that you’ve been making him feel lonely and he wants your attention.

12. High ears, open mouth, and relaxed tail

Unsplash-Jamie Street Source: Unsplash-Jamie Street

This is how a relaxed dog looks like. He’s feeling safe in his surroundings so there’s no need for him to be on alert mode.

13. Wagging tail, low front, and mouth wide open

Unsplash-Rick Gebhardt Source: Unsplash-Rick Gebhardt

This is one happy dog. If you see him doing this while you’re playing, it means that he’s enjoying your time together.

14. Looking at you

Unsplash-Mike Burke Source: Unsplash-Mike Burke

Your dog isn’t being creepy if you see him staring at you. He’s just trying to get your attention and waiting for you to spend time with him.

15. Butt scooting

Unsplash-Karsten Winegeart Source: Unsplash-Karsten Winegeart

If you see your dog doing this, don’t laugh at him. He’s not trying to be funny. He’s probably having an itchy butt due to an infection or inflammation and dragging it across the ground is one way for him to feel relief.

To know more about your dogs’ behaviors, watch the video below!

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Source: YouTube-Jaw-Dropping Facts, Wikipedia
