15 photos of mixed breed dogs prove ‘mutts’ are just too cute

Look, dogs are cute.
Some people really love purebreds, and some people find a mutt at the shelter to be their favorite type of dog.
In this case, we’re gonna be looking at some of the cutest crossbreed dogs. Crossbreeds have been dubbed “designer dogs” because they are bred to fit a condition or a look.
Take the Labradoodle for example. They are extremely popular right now because they possess the playfulness of a Labrador but, mixed with the Poodle so they don’t shed hair. Brilliant!
I think we will continue to see more crossbreeding in the future but, for now, let us look and see what humans have created so far with these adorable pups.
1) Aussiepom
This is what you get when you mix a mini Australian shepherd with a pomeranian. You can see the little puffball that is the pomeranian in there, and also you get the colors and markings from the shepherd. It’s like a little bear.

2) Chowsky
Gotta love that name! But you can also enjoy the lush and beautiful coat of fur. Plus tons of extra skin to squeeze.

3) Beagle and Corgi mix
Both of these breeds are pretty small but I would say the Beagle is still in proportion as compared to the short-legged Corgi. In this case, the face of the Beagle is maintained while the short legs from the Corgi are taken on.

4) Labrador and Bernese Mountain dog
Both of these breeds and very smart and love being around people. The personalities of the two must just mesh perfectly. But you do get a bit skinnier version of the Bernese Mountain dog by adding in the Labrador.

5) Goldendoodle
Again, this has become one of the most popular dogs these days. You get all the energy and love from the Golden Retriever but, there isn’t any hair to clean up off of the couch because of the Poodle. It’s easy to see why they have become so popular, just look at the photo.

6) Cusky
These names are too funny. This must have been an experiment just to see what would happen when you breed a giant Husky with a tiny Corgi. The results are actually pretty cute. Look at that tail!

7) Frug
Real close to being a frog but no. This is an adorable little pup. Big ears from the French Bulldog and the snout got pulled out a bit too. I wonder if this fixed the breathing problem Pugs generally deal with?

8) Golden Retriever and a Dachshund
This one makes me laugh. It’s definitely a Golden Retriever but, trapped in the body of a Dachshund. I’d smile every time I saw this dog.

9) Cockerpei
Too much cuteness going on in that face. Those wrinkles! But now you reduced the Sharpei down in size by adding the cocker spaniel. I’m surprised the ears from the Spaniel didn’t show up.

10) Whoodle
Some people, like me, had no idea this breed existed. It’s a Wheaten Terrier and a Poodle mix. Once again, cuteness meets hair that stays on the dog.

11) Schnoodle
Time for another mix with a poodle. But this time we have really shrunk the Poodle down by mixing in a Schnauzer. This dog probably spends more time on the couch than wanting to hunt, like the Schnauzer loves to do.

12) Horgi
I think next time I’ll make a list of silly dog names. These are just too much! The Corgi seems to be a popular dog to crossbreed. Want to have a Husky but with short legs? Just sprinkle in some Corgi.

13) Chow and German Shepherd
Both Chows and German Shepherds are loving dogs, but also very much protectors. The dog has all the color of the Chow, as well as the bulky fur but, its face is still very German Shepherd.

14) English Bulldog and German Shepherd
Looks like someone shrunk a German Shepherd down, made it really stout, and added some human teeth. Those Bulldog ears for the win. What a cute dog!

15) Labrador and Husky
I have to finish this list with a puppy. That’s just how it goes. I hope those aren’t just puppy eyes that will go away in time. I hope those are the eyes of the Husky breed. Such a beautiful pup!

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(H/T): Animalchannel, BoredPanda