15 food lies that are probably the reason we have trust issues

We’re not asking for special treatment, we just want what we were promised and what we paid for when it comes to food.

Playing games with our hearts and our stomachs is double trouble.

It’s no wonder our society can’t just get along – we’re hungry!

1. Off with their heads!

Oh, c’mon! Shouldn’t we be getting extra credit for eating broccoli to begin with?

Do they have to take the one part away that makes it taste good…or at least ok?

serenadingsirens/Reddit Source: serenadingsirens/Reddit

2. 100% lies

Apparently, the juice that’s in there is 100% juice.

We don’t know what the rest of it is, but 73% of this fruit juice is pure lies. (Lies are probably what makes it taste good.)

world_alterer/Reddit Source: world_alterer/Reddit

3. Reason for raisin hell

We knew when we used to pick all the fruit out as a kid that there wasn’t nearly enough.

We suppose it depends on how you define “scoop.”

Maybe it should come with a warning: Scoops on box may be smaller than they appear.

graeme3/Reddit Source: graeme3/Reddit

4. We were told there would be berries

Ok, it does say “berry loaf,” singular.

So it’s really the photo that’s lying to us, as food photos usually do.

Palifaith/Reddit Source: Palifaith/Reddit

5. Too funny to be true

We won’t lie to you, this was actually part of an Alzheimer’s awareness campaign designed to get people to realize just how real things seem to someone with the disease.

But it’s not hard to believe this could happen considering how often we’re lied to about our food!

taylorstanley/Reddit Source: taylorstanley/Reddit

6. Oregano assault

You don’t get to lie about pizza.

Granted, we wouldn’t fully expect the gooey goodness on the box, but we would have assumed that someone knew how to control the oregano shooter.

Get a grip on that stuff people! Pizza is sacred.

SoNiK85/Reddit Source: SoNiK85/Reddit

7. Seedy labeling

At least we can see this watermelon is lying to us before we bite in.

Don’t you hate when you bite into something and hit a seed that isn’t supposed to be there?

zinji707/Reddit Source: zinji707/Reddit

8. Strawberry subterfuge

We get it, some people like the vanilla part.

But we were promised something else!

strawberrymalk/Reddit Source: strawberrymalk/Reddit

9. Something’s fishy here

Apparently, when they said: “Save 1/3,” they meant of the fish, not of the money.

We just want to know what the “Minimum 4 slices” statement is about at the bottom – we’re not real worried about overdoing it considering the contents.

@andy_p10/Twitter Source: @andy_p10/Twitter

10. Lightly trodden

This Moose Tracks ice cream was apparently named after the world’s daintiest moose.

So dainty, in fact, that she left almost no tracks at all.

hb0326/Reddit Source: hb0326/Reddit

11. This is what it sounds like when Spongebob cries

We were led to believe Spongebob would be happy when we ate him.

No one wants to watch their food cry!

Photon_Man62/Reddit Source: Photon_Man62/Reddit

12. Criminal cookies

How dare they?!

If we want to eat junk food, then we want all the junk!

@bibblebrown1/Twitter Source: @bibblebrown1/Twitter

13. Backstabbing burrito

We’re not lovin’ it.

Especially since it probably has just as many calories and none of the actual food.

Teelo888/Reddit Source: Teelo888/Reddit

14. Ice cream inaccuracy

Is nothing sacred?

It looks like we found the REAL “War on Christmas.”

swtangl/Reddit Source: swtangl/Reddit

15. Push this

And now for the biggest lie of them all, the dreaded “push here” cardboard barricade.

Has anyone ever been able to open this the way the box suggests?

ldawg092498 Source: ldawg092498

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