15 photos of cat fails that prove they’re lucky to have 9 lives

Cats are devious and stealthy (as well as adorable, furry purr machines).

And while we like to think of our furry friends as rather clever, sometimes they get themselves into situations that are downright hilarious.

Scroll downsp st jamesdfsf for 15 of our favorite Internet cat fails.

1. Love is blind

And blinds are hard to escape.

This cat got in a little over his head when he decided to try to foil the offending window treatment blocking his view.

Reddit Source: Reddit

2. Emerging from the depths

Anyone who has a cat knows this furball probably didn’t fall in, rather that’s probably just where it likes to sleep.

Getting up, on the other hand, can be a challenge.

Hey buddy, you find any change down there?

@alivicwil/Twitter Source: @alivicwil/Twitter

3. Overachiever

This kitten knows what’s up. Why eat from the part of the device with the least food? Instead, go in through the top and eat your way out.

If you can get out, that is…

Reddit Source: Reddit

4. Box of horrors

Cats love jumping into boxes. Unfortunately, this one got a big surprise in the form of thousands of tiny little styrofoam balls.

Grooming time is going to be a real drag after this.

Imgur Source: Imgur

5. Everything’s cool man, nothing to see here

The only thing cats hate more than blinds blocking their view is screen doors preventing them from coming and going as they please.

And the most peculiar part is that they never learn to stop scaling the screens, no matter how many times they get stuck like this.

Reddit Source: Reddit

6. Hollow victory

Yep, he got up there. Now comes the hard part. How are you going to get down?

Cats aren’t known for thinking ahead.

Imgur Source: Imgur

7. The cat’s (only halfway) out of the bag

This probably seemed like a good idea 2 minutes ago.

Oh, who are we kidding? Give it another 30 seconds and the cat will be sleeping comfortably in there.

Imgur Source: Imgur

8. I am flour

We don’t know how cats manage to fit themselves into these kinds of spaces.

This one looks both proud and – well, not so proud.

Photobucket Source: Photobucket

9. I’m sailing away

This cat’s name is Edd and he regrets getting on the float. What Edd didn’t understand is that in a matter of minutes he would be out in the open waters (of the pool, mind you) without any way to disembark.

This is the face all cats make when they’ve run out of options.

Imgur Source: Imgur

10. What’s the opposite of a square peg in a round hole?

We’re not sure if the cat got into the box while it was closed (probably) or if someone closed it around her, but this is another instance of not thinking ahead.

Imgur Source: Imgur

11. I thought this would be more fun

This cat has some minor regrets.

It looks like it was probably a lot of fun up until this point though!

Imgur Source: Imgur

12. Ah, fresh air!

The look on this cat’s face just screams “I meant to do this and I’m having a great time.”

Some creatures will do anything to get a little closer to the great outdoors.

Imgur Source: Imgur

13. How do I look?

Cats like to stick their heads in things – that’s why curiosity can kill.

But this cat looks ok with their new headgear. Perhaps it’s a Halloween costume (or they just can’t admit they made a horrible life choice with their face).

Imgur Source: Imgur

14. Why is this not working?

With brains the size of walnuts, cats don’t have a lot of brain cells working on spacial issues.

But at this point, we’re more curious about what the cat plans to go outside and dust.

Imgur Source: Imgur

15. No one is having fun

A full-on nature fail.

We suspect this cat had something to do with the missing tail here because that’s the look of knowing that karma has come back to bite you, quite literally.

Adela Sirghie Source: Adela Sirghie

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