15 most hilarious pictures of dogs taken at just the right moment

Dogs make some of the absolute best of companions, hands down. Long have their praises been sung for their unwavering loyalty and devotion to their humans, their bravery, and their ability to love unconditionally.

While these attributes are certainly major contributors to why we love them so much, there another that endears them to us even more; dogs are silly!

It’s no great wonder when people are feeling down, they often seek out photos of dogs highlighting this particular trait. Nothing will cheer you up faster than dogs caught in the middle of their crazy antics. Laughter is the best medicine, after all.

If you want to laugh ’til you cry, you came to the right place. These 15 photos will make even the non-dog lovers want to go adopt a goofy companion of their own.

1. “Bruno’s First Snowball”

Imgur/rcinferno Source: Imgur/rcinferno

One of the best things about owning a dog is that they’re always down to play with you. Even if it’s freezing cold and snowy outside. Just look at how much Bruno here is loving catching snowballs. Be more like Bruno.

2. Rico Scoobay

Reddit/hardyhaha_09 Source: Reddit/hardyhaha_09

Yeah he does! Just look at that “too cool for school” look he’s rockin’! I bet he’s still just as goofy as the real deal when it comes to gettin’ some Scooby snacks, though.

3. “There are 2 stray thirsty dogs and mine wants to be an asshole”

Twitter/Nienna Source: Twitter/Nienna

We don’t really know what to say about this little guy, except that dogs’ personalities are usually a reflection of their owners…maybe time for a little self-reflection?

4. Cake!? For me!?!?

Reddit/ARealRocknRolla Source: Reddit/ARealRocknRolla

Another great thing about owning dogs are that they are always fun to treat! Just look at this cute dude’s face when he realized the whole cake was for him! We’re thinking he might end up in a food coma later.

5. Or is he actually a genius?

Reddit/Sunstoned1 Source: Reddit/Sunstoned1

Speaking of a food coma, we’re pretty sure that’s what took place here when the dog busted into the food bin. How else would you explain the irresistible desire to take a nap inside the evidence? No dog would incriminate himself on purpose like that…

6. The happy dance

Reddit/alyssambmi6h Source: Reddit/alyssambmi6h

Dogs don’t just get excited to see their humans. When they’ve got a furry pal they are overjoyed when they see them, too. So much so that it might actually make you a little jealous when you see how happy they get.

7. They’ve got ridiculous charm

Reddit/Olympiad123 Source: Reddit/Olympiad123

When your dog knows he’s a stud, they become the most adorable form of cocky that you’ve ever seen, and it works for them! Just look at that face! Could you ever say no to it? Don’t be a liar!

8. They know what matters in life…

Reddit/AwHereItGoesWasTaken Source: Reddit/AwHereItGoesWasTaken

Dogs are very perceptive about what’s truly important in life. What’s that, you might ask? Belly rubs. The best things in life come with belly rubs.

9. They’re fun to mess with

Reddit/maddierose1418 Source: Reddit/maddierose1418

If you really want to turn your dog’s world upside down, put on a mask that matches his face. Wondering if it’s worth the cost and hassle of finding one? The look on this dog’s face tells us it is.

10. They have a funny way of making you feel needed…

Reddit/dirtyfacedkid Source: Reddit/dirtyfacedkid

There’s never a dull moment when you have dogs. You never know what you’re going to come home to, but you can bet that 9 times out of 10 they will be elated when you do.

11. They always get your jokes

Reddit/razle2612 Source: Reddit/razle2612

Dogs always get your sense of humor and love your stories no matter what. There is nothing that compares to sharing an inside joke with your dogs and know they’re laughing with you.

12. They face their fears together

Reddit/Just_scrolling_thru Source: Reddit/Just_scrolling_thru

What a cruel trick to play on your dogs. If this is how they act when they’re scared, just imagine what they’ll act like when they show up to the dog park!

13. They’ve got more game than you

Reddit/soundersfan17 Source: Reddit/soundersfan17

The caption is an insult to the dog. He is waaaay too good for Tinder. Not to mention, if you put his pic up people will stop swiping right on yours.

14. They’ll do anything to greet you

Reddit/EastYork Source: Reddit/EastYork

Some dogs just refuse to be ignored and will make it their sole mission to get your attention. Even if that means fitting their heads beneath an impossibly small space just to spook you on your morning walk. Hey, it worked, didn’t it?

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15. They always believe the best in you, even when they shouldn’t

Reddit/waxiestapple Source: Reddit/waxiestapple

Perhaps the best feeling in the world, dogs will always put their absolute faith in you…even if they shouldn’t. This dog’s face is the perfect picture of shocked betrayal. Like, “What the hell, mom?” All we’re saying is that she had better make good on some treats if she wants to earn her furbaby’s trust back.

H/T: Shareably
