15 Tweets by women that are guaranteed to make you laugh

Women are hilarious. The world isn’t always kind to ladyfolk, but we sure know how to strike back with wit and humor.

And there’s nothing like passing that on to the next generation – whether it’s to help them protect their assets or to give them a heads up that they can dye their hair any color they want once they’re adults (and that that’s pretty much the only benefit of being an adult).

These 15 women have Tweeted things we couldn’t help but share because they hit close to home – but in a way that still makes us laugh.

1. Thanks, Grandma

Looks like grandma knows what’s up.

Gotta love it when you look out for future generations by telling them to get an off-shore bank account!

@Lhlodder/Twitter Source: @Lhlodder/Twitter

2. But that spatula though

When you’re young you always have an ambitious vision of what your adult life will be like. And it’s never realistic.

Sure, you might have a job and friends and maybe even some savings, but that spatula will ALWAYS be there for you.

@AbbyHasIssues/Twitter Source: @AbbyHasIssues/Twitter

3. Don’t tread on me

It’s 2019 and rattlesnakes still get more respect.

Ladies, should we be more venomous or just hiss more?

What’s their secret?

@jackiecarbajal/Twitter Source: @jackiecarbajal/Twitter

4. Dad!

The day you find out your parents are keeping you from your green-haired dreams is the day you start making those plans to become a daring and daunting adult. And then you end up just having a favorite spatula.

Is adulthood really worth the green hair?

@bjcolangelo/Twitter Source: @bjcolangelo/Twitter

5. The dog is everyone’s favorite

Eventually, pet owners realize that they have to spend at least part of their lives trying to hide the fact that their pet is their real soulmate.

But she shared photos of the dog in question and we have to admit we want to give him some kisses too.

@Lala_Lyds/Twitte Source: @Lala_Lyds/Twitte

6. Crybaby

File this under “Things we couldn’t appreciate when we were babies.”

Why do we have to wait to be an adult for it to be socially acceptable to cry again?

Or, wait, are we not supposed to be crying all the time?

@BUGPOSTING/Twitter Source: @BUGPOSTING/Twitter

7. Boys

Hey, we all have our priorities.

Sometimes adulting is hard and you just want to crash in front of the TV after work. Who even has the wherewithal to notice there’s no shower curtain in the morning.

Oh, right, women.

@ashleytaylorfow/Twitter Source: @ashleytaylorfow/Twitter

8. It’s a scam

Our parents always told us we’d be sorry when we had to start paying bills. Yet no matter how many times they repeated it we failed to grasp the gravity of the situation.

Who knew there were so many things to pay for and so little time to enjoy them?!

@reaghanhunt/Twitter Source: @reaghanhunt/Twitter

9. Hoping for the best

Hey, we call this optimism.

If we anticipated how bad traffic would be before we left the house, we’d never leave the house.

@KarenKilgariff Source: @KarenKilgariff

10. Anti-bullying

Sometimes harsh advice is the best advice.

As an adult, it’s hard to find someone who will be as honest with you as your dad was when you were a teenager. And yet somehow we failed to appreciate it at the time.

@Coll3enG Source: @Coll3enG

11. A few of our favorite things

No favorite spatula? Fine. But you know you have a preferred stove burner.

We just love that there’s a poll on this after the tweet.

And who are these people who like the back left burner?

Front-right 4 life!

@hailtotheHunny/Twitter Source: @hailtotheHunny/Twitter

12. Would you like a lime with that?

We don’t know if he’s really this clueless but we kind of love this guy either way.

@broganpaget/Twitter Source: @broganpaget/Twitter

13. Every decade is the worst

Early adulthood is the hardest.

You’re just figuring out who you want to be when all of a sudden you realize you forgot to appreciate how good you just had it.

@lolacoaster Source: @lolacoaster

14. Sweater weather

Can we just get this embroidered onto a sweater? That seems more efficient.

@sarahsholder/Twitter Source: @sarahsholder/Twitter

15. What is this “nightlife” you speak of?

Remember the 5 minutes in your 20s when you were worried about whether or not you needed to bring a change of clothes for your after-work plans?

Now we can’t get within 5 minutes of our house after 5 pm without thinking it would just be better to stay home. Like, forever.

@margeincharge/Twitter Source: @margeincharge/Twitter


Isn’t womanhood wonderful?

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