15 incredibly patient dogs that will let kids get away with anything

While it’s true that most dogs are devoted and loyal to their owners, it doesn’t hold a candlestick compared to what they are willing to put up with from kids.
As if they naturally know that kids are still learning and require extra patience, many dogs will put up with sheer torture just to please their tiny humans. Here are 15 photos of unbelievably patient dogs that prove when it comes to kids, they’ll do anything for them.
1. Apparently his butt is really soft

Some dogs will let you rest your head on them for a minute, sure, but if you’re an adult it won’t normally last longer than just the minute. If you’re a kid, though, well that’s a different story. Maybe it’s because their heads are tinier? We aren’t sure but we know that this pupper must love his kiddo a whole awful lot to let him pass out on his little behind.
2. They nurture your kids’ inner artist

You can easily see that the dog doesn’t look happy with the outcome of his fur. Yet, this dog still, at some point, submitted to the kid’s will and sat still long enough to be painted with dozens of colorful circles. When your dog is willing to sacrifice his coat just to nurture your inner artist, you know it’s true love.
3. They’ll literally allow kids into their bubble

Dogs hate being trapped in cones, and it’s a sensitive time for them. They aren’t usually up for close and personal face-time, but when it comes to kids they just can’t help but let their guards down. This sweet doggo was rewarded with a smooch for her patience.
4. They’ll quietly submit to a check-up

Most dogs absolutely loathe going to the vet, even just for a check-up. However, when kids are the ones doing the examination, it seems to put them much, much more at ease. We can see why this dog is so chill; his doctor looks like she’s got a very calming touch.
5. They’ll become a horse

Some dogs will even transform themselves entirely to keep their kids happy. This little girl wanted a pony. So, her sweet dog became a pony and they both look like they couldn’t be happier about it!
6. Or a chair

Sometimes kids are just too little to sit comfortably in regular furniture. That’s okay, though. Their dogs always have their back…or their butts, if necessary.
7. Or even a stool

This dog shows unbelievable patience by letting her kiddo stand right on top of her like she is a stepping stool. She doesn’t seem to mind one iota about it, and the little kid is about to be a happy little trouble-maker.
8. They will share the bed with kids

Any adult that owns a dog can tell you that they don’t really like to share bed space. Like, it’s okay that you’re there, as long as you only take up a sliver of the mattress at the edge. Kids, on the other hand, can have all the space they want.
9. And the couch

Not only can kids share their space, but dogs will even wrap them up with their legs and paws to help keep them warm and cozy. Don’t feel bad if you get a little jealous about it. We all do…
10. They let their kids lead the way

A lot of the time walking a dog on a leash will only prove that they are the ones in charge. Put kids at the other end of it, though, and suddenly they want to walk as gently as possible, letting their littles lead the way.
11. They’ll even share the sprinkler

Dogs, in general, don’t like to share their toys, and trust us when we tell you that the sprinkler is most definitely a toy. If kids feel like splashing around in one right next to them, though, they suddenly seem to be down to share.
12. They’re always down to ride

One of the best parts about raising kids with dogs is that they’ve always got a best friend willing to go on adventures with them. You can trust that a dog won’t let anything happen to their kids, because they love them more than anything else in the world.
13. They let kids take their title as baby of the house

This is probably the most proof-positive you can get when it comes to dogs and their devotion to their kids. Dogs love to be the center of attention and the baby in the family. When the time comes for them to welcome a new brother or sister, though, they gladly step aside and become their protectors.
14. They’ll pray along

Dogs want to do everything with their kids, even when it comes to their bedtime prayers. Think this isn’t so crazy? Try making your dog do this on their own. Nope, it ain’t gonna happen unless their tiny humans are leading the way.
15. They’re a kid’s number one partner in crime

The absolute best thing about dogs is that their kids are never alone, even when they’re in the “dog-house”. As long as a kid has a dog as his best buddy, he will always have a true partner in crime, and one that will never snitch on them.
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Source: Animal Channel