15 parents who got caught in the act of bad parenting

Parents get a lot of flack when most of the time they’re just doing their best.

But not ALL parents are trying that hard. Some are absolute entitled jerks who are either inconsiderate of everyone around them or seem to be utterly incapable of teaching their child manners or respect for others.

Here are 15 times when there was just no excuse for the kind of parenting behavior on display:

1. She let her kid play with a plastic bag – on her head

It almost seems like it has to be a joke.

It’s the ONE thing you’re not supposed to do with a plastic bag.

It doesn’t matter if her guardian is right there to make sure the child doesn’t suffocate – you can’t let kids think that this is a good idea since they might try it when you’re not around.

People of Walmart Source: People of Walmart

2. He put his child in danger to give him a better view

Believe it or not, there were people on Reddit insisting this guy had a good enough grip for this insanity to be ok.

No, dude. It’s not.

Kids wiggle, you can get pushed or jostled, and your very young child is just fine watching through the slats if you’re that opposed to just picking him up and holding him in your arms.

1ggy/Reddit Source: 1ggy/Reddit

3. They let their kids run wild in a thrift store and did nothing to clean up the disaster left behind

Sure, the world is your trash can. That’s a great thing to teach your kids.

Just go ahead and wreck whatever you want, someone will clean up after you.

This kind of entitlement and trashy behavior isn’t going to get you OR your kids far in life.

GeorgeWakenbake/Reddit Source: GeorgeWakenbake/Reddit

4. She changed her baby’s diaper on a restaurant table

There’s not much to say other than this is revolting and anyone who does it should be banned from a restaurant.

Can you imagine seeing this while you were trying to eat?

Yes, babies have needs and maybe the bathroom was small, but there are far less disgusting options than changing a diaper on a table people are EATING ON.

Huykaty/Reddi Source: Huykaty/Reddi

5. They let their kid treat an airplane like a playground

No one enjoys taking a kid on a plane and, usually, there’s some leeway when it comes to forgiving bad behavior.

But letting your kids run wild is not ok – and more importantly, it’s not safe. This photo was taken by a stranger in the seat beside some empty ones, so these parents were just letting their kid play next to strangers who didn’t want them there.

And ever heard of unexpected turbulence? Or shoes?

Yes, parenting is hard. And it’s REALLY hard on a plane. But being safe and sanitary are two responsibilities you have to your kid and the people around you no matter what.

LeDeferon/Reddit Source: LeDeferon/Reddit

6. She pulled up a chair to block everyone’s view and then spent the whole time on her phone

Entitled, party of one.

She’s so entitled, in fact, that even though other parents were standing back and watching their kids from a distance through the door, she still pulled up a chair right in front of them to block their view.

And to top it off, she didn’t even bother watching her kid dance. She just played on her phone the whole time.

realtor985/Reddit Source: realtor985/Reddit

7. She changed her baby’s diaper on a pile of new clothing and got outraged when someone photographed it

Ok, we get the outrage, but the truth is you have no right to privacy from other people’s photos in public.

And you really have no reason to get angry if you’re the disgusting person changing a diaper in the middle of an Old Navy on a pile of new clothing that someone is going to pay good money for.

There are plenty of other options and this is the worst possible one.

Guess what, the world isn’t your home – you actually DO have to act like a normal human in public.

downriverrowing/Reddit Source: downriverrowing/Reddit

8. They left a dirty diaper on the table with their food

There are bathrooms. There are trash cans. You can even take it with you to throw away outside of a place where people eat their food.

You can pretty much do anything other than leave a dirty diaper for your waitress to clean up.

x19DALTRON91x/Reddit Source: x19DALTRON91x/Reddit

9. They let their children climb on a war memorial – with veterans watching!

This just makes us sad.

Sure, kids play and they might not get the meaning of something like this. But they’re young enough so that their parents must be nearby.

Maybe teach your children to have some respect, not just for monuments but to the people who risked their lives so you can be free to raise little terrors.

MetalClocker/Reddit Source: MetalClocker/Reddit

10. They let their kid watch a movie on full volume at a restaurant


You don’t belong in a restaurant where people are paying to eat if you can’t at least get some headphones for your child.

End of story.

___________f/Reddit Source: ___________f/Reddit

11. He lifted his kids over the guardrail to let them touch a Lego sculpture

Great, just what we need, more entitled people who think that rules don’t apply to them.

Granted, this isn’t the Mona Lisa, but why on Earth does someone think it’s ok to encourage their kids to break rules that are meant to protect things so that everyone can enjoy them?

theDWORF/Reddit Source: theDWORF/Reddit

12. She blocked everyone’s view with her iPad so she could record her kid’s performance

Seriously, do we have to have security guards everywhere? Who are these people who think they can take up everyone else’s space?

There are a bunch of different ways to go about getting a recording (umm, standing in the back like a polite human being, for starters).

This move is purely for entitled jerks.

told-you/Reddit Source: told-you/Reddit

13. She refused to sit in the audience so she could get the best photo of her kid

What fresh hell is THIS?

Mom needs to get a grip.

Go sit in your seat and don’t pretend that you’re entitled to something more than other parents are.

JustNtimeLV88/Reddit Source: JustNtimeLV88/Reddit

14. They let their child hold a big balloon in the front of a movie theater


We know this is a representation of the worst of the worst, so let’s try not to get down on all parents just because of people like this.

But, hey, in case you need to be told, other people live in the world with you and are entitled to enjoy the things they paid for just as much as you and your kid.

Go put the balloon in the car.

l_ambert/Reddit Source: l_ambert/Reddit

15. They left their kid in a stroller all alone outside the store

Uh, we understand that it’s hard to shop while pushing a baby, but this is not ok in any way.

What an absolute disregard for their child’s welfare.

Ensanglante/Reddit Source: Ensanglante/Reddit


Hey, parents, we know your job is hard and exhausting. But these are the people who ruin it for everyone.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
