15 photos of people who do not look their age

When standing in line in front of a bar, there are only two kinds of people: the legal aged, and those who are pretending to be one. But sometimes, things can get a bit tricky when you find someone who’s legal-aged but looked like they just got off recess. And those who are not yet in their 20s but would seem like they’re readying for that well-earned retirement.

If you’re ever mistaken for the school principal while also having a hall pass in your pockets, you’ll totally relate to these people. Here are 15 people who might want to keep their IDs handy.

1.) Made me look twice

We are not sure if we’re wearing our glasses correctly but did it say “underage”? Apparently, these guys were arrested for driving around town in a horse and buggy while being intoxicated. Kids have a different way of celebrating finishing chores these days.

Reddit - shhhh420 Source: Reddit - shhhh420

2.) Model UN

No, you’re not looking at a Model UN, and this is not a college student council. This is Filip Brusselsman, a controversial Flemish right-wing parliamentarian. And he looks a bit nervous about his first debate competition.

Reddit - JosCiv7 Source: Reddit - JosCiv7

3.) Talk about early retirement!

The 1980s saw a boom of “tech startups” revolving around gaming and early computer technology. If you ask us, this hardworking computer programmer deserves every hour of gameplay out of that Nintendo Action Set. Get him out of the garage and into the living room TV, why don’t you?

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4.) Pretty sure she’s the social studies teacher

The original poster may claim that she’s a 40-year-old receptionist but the background easily tells us that she’s the social studies teacher. Don’t let her catch you sneaking around the hallways because she’s in the same homeowner’s association as the district superintendent. And she knows your mom from church.

Reddit - Jakeeeeeeeh Source: Reddit - Jakeeeeeeeh

5.) The kind of “doesn’t look like your age” you want

If it’s 50 or 25, we can’t tell. When someone tells you that you don’t look like your age, better pray they’re seeing you the same way as we’re seeing this woman over here. 50th birthday of who? Her mom?


6.) Amazing prom picture!

Nothing like a photo of the boys going to their prom! It’s just pretty weird they’re wearing the same coats and the same tie colors. What do you mean it’s the groom’s entourage picture?

Reddit - Mcramblett Source: Reddit - Mcramblett

7.) “My dad’s a lawyer!”

For all Pokemon-related cases and Minecraft disputes, this kid is the only court representative you’ll need. Office hours only from 10-11AM because the mornings are for Roblox and the afternoons are for Fortnite. School nights are off-limits.

Reddit - gutmiko Source: Reddit - gutmiko

8.) Good thing she voted!

In terms of civic duty, this lady over here finished her maths before lunch and voted before dinner. Even if AP Chemistry is still waiting to be finished, she already participated in building a better future. If the original poster didn’t say she’s actually 37, we’d all be losing our minds to how a 13-year-old got a chance to vote.

Reddit - patch281 Source: Reddit - patch281

9.) 22 going on 12

This girl looks like one of those Disney Channel or Nickelodeon kid actors who never seemed to age even if their shows ended ten years ago. She wears that juvenile smile that screams “I need a rebrand that’s apt for my age”. Even her rabbit can’t believe it.

Reddit - BleachedTwizzler Source: Reddit - BleachedTwizzler

10.) She’s heading for doctorate

When you read through the post, you’d think she’s about to get into college. She’s just a senior high gal finally experiencing the world for the first time. Except that she’s actually going to Johns Hopkins for a doctorate after getting 3 degrees.


11.) Middle-age mom at 15

Get that pinot grigio out because it has been a long day after that weekend soccer practice, PTA brunch meeting, and the weekly catch-up from the suburban crowd. If people are pointing you to where the manager is, you better think twice about getting this haircut.

Reddit Source: Reddit

12.) I’m confused

The girl in the middle is the mom, right? No, wait. It’s the girl on the left. Wait, are they sisters? This photo got us so confused we’d rather do the child’s math homework, which is the one on the.. middleft.

Reddit - somethingsgood Source: Reddit - somethingsgood

13.) Is this photoshopped?

Okay, we don’t know what you guys are playing here but you can’t photoshop your head on your aunt’s body just so you can sneak into a bar. The shades-on-the-head is a pretty nice touch, though. Makes everything so believable.

Reddit - jovialmaverick Source: Reddit - jovialmaverick

14.) Rated E

This guy is going to have a hard time in dating apps. If he’s gonna post this face separately from his body, people are going to say he’s a catfishing 12-year-old guy who just can’t wait to grow up. Your body might be saying “M+18”, but that face is clearly “E”. “E”, like for every age.

Reddit - unobjectionable Source: Reddit - unobjectionable

15.) It’s your Aunt Betty

“Do you remember your Aunt Betty? She was there during your 9th birthday. She even gave you $10 on a card, sweetie.” You could say that line, show this picture, and people would instantly believe it. There are a lot of things “on point” in this picture that it’s hard to tell if this is a children’s party or a retirement party.

Reddit - stuffaboutsomestuff Source: Reddit - stuffaboutsomestuff

They say that not everyone acts their age. But sometimes, they actually do. They just don’t look like what they listed on their IDs. If you look like you’re still watching cartoons, or you have the vibe of someone who just got off retirement, may your looks serve you the right set of advantages.

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Source: Reddit, Instagram – @Saida_ramirez50, Facebook – HBCU Pride Nation
