15 people who forgot something important and deeply regretted it

We’ve all forgotten to do something important, but rarely is there a very stiff price to pay.

Unfortunately for these 15 people, their forgetfulness led to a whole lot of extra work – or a complete disaster.

Either way, we think they probably learned their lesson after these things happened:

1. They forgot to close the sunroof

This car owner was trying to enjoy the unexpected mid-January sunshine.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

So when the sunshine ended and the snow began, he paid the price for forgetting to close his sunroof.

I_am_Rude/Reddit Source: I_am_Rude/Reddit

2. They forgot to log out

Forgetting to log out of a computer can have disastrous effects, and this is by no means the worst one.

It is pretty brilliant though because not only did the pranksters decide to dump all of their files onto their desktop – along with delivering a special message – but they turned every icon into a photo of a cat being eaten by a stuffed shark.

BlazingIce637792/Reddit Source: BlazingIce637792/Reddit

3. They forgot to feed the cat

This cat owner was later for work and forgot to feed the cat.

That is a most unacceptable crime.

Looks like he’ll be going nowhere until the task is complete – AND he’ll be even later for work.

Resieh/Reddit Source: Resieh/Reddit

4. They forgot to put the ice collection box back in the freezer

Hey, you want ice with that? We sure hope so.

Apparently, the owners of this fridge forgot to put the ice collection bin back in the door slot and then went on vacation.

This fridge model only stops making ice when it reaches a certain level sensed by an optical beam.

No bin, no blocking the beam until the freezer is full of ice. Like, REALLY full.

Reddit Source: Reddit

5. They forgot their work badge

Embarrassing but brilliant – this office punishes those who forget to wear their official badge to work with a replacement called the “Badge of Shame.”

It even has a photo on it of a dog wearing a cone of shame.

FlyingOstrich69/Reddit Source: FlyingOstrich69/Reddit

6. He forgot he had a dentist appointment

We’re still a bit confused since this wasn’t taken on Halloween, but this guy had to go to his dentist appointment in his pirate costume because he forgot about it until the last minute and didn’t bring a change of clothes.

He actually had a remarkably good attitude about the whole thing.

Possibly_/Reddit Source: Possibly_/Reddit

7. They forgot they were making caramel

This person was at work and not only looked away from the caramel for a moment but then forgot about it entirely.

That’s one of those things you have to keep an eye on, obviously. Otherwise, you end up creating some sort of fire-breathing demon, which can be really inconvenient if it decides to take over the world.

We’re SO glad we didn’t have to clean that pan.

Skiddle1138/Reddit Source: Skiddle1138/Reddit

8. He forgot their anniversary

This poor guy borrowed his wife’s phone and her security code was their anniversary. Unfortunately, he guessed wrong one too many times.

Now he has to hand it back to his wife in double shame of locking her out of her own phone and admitting to forgetting their anniversary.

StarskyAndHutch/Reddit Source: StarskyAndHutch/Reddit

9. He forgot to put water in his Cup Noodles

All those dry ingredients in styrofoam are a recipe for disaster if you don’t add water.

This young man looks full of regret for ruining his lunch.

But it looks like he had 1:10 left to go on his cooking time, so things could have been worse!

themagicpotato/Reddit Source: themagicpotato/Reddit

10. They forgot to put in their drain plug

The first rule of boat ownership: don’t sink the boat.

This is probably going to require some engine repair, which isn’t cheap.

jagershotzz/Reddit Source: jagershotzz/Reddit

11. He forgot the sunscreen layer

There are, of course, a lot worse consequences to forgetting your sunscreen.

But this guy is looking pretty embarrassed after learning about it the hard way.

matt_fletch/Reddit Source: matt_fletch/Reddit

12. Someone forgot that MRI machines are giant magnets

You can’t have metal in an MRI room. None. Nada. It will go whizzing through the air and attach to the machine.

This looks like an anesthesiologist’s cart. There’s a reason you have to leave those outside MRI rooms – because they’ll go whizzing through the air and attach themselves to the machine!

Good thing there was no patient in there, but we can’t even imagine the repair costs of this accident.

(It might seem funny, but people have been killed in these types of accidents before.)

Reddit Source: Reddit

13. He forgot to put on his emergency brake while unloading his boat

We can only assume this is not the car owner.

Or if it is, he’s still in denial about what he just did because that’s an expensive mistake!

Upstream15/Imgur Source: Upstream15/Imgur

14. They forgot to close the pizza box

Or they forgot they had a cat.

Then again, this one was a bit tough to predict.

Even the cat looks a little upset about the whole thing.

k3vbomb/Reddit Source: k3vbomb/Reddit

15. He forgot his horn

The show must go on.

This young marching band member forgot his instrument, but you need every member of the band if you’re going to march in formation, so he had to go out there and fake it.

Good form though!

versitileRealist/Reddit Source: versitileRealist/Reddit


Hey, we all forget things sometimes.

At least these 15 people will make you feel a little bit better about it next time it happens to you.

It could always be worse!

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