15 photos of cats that prove their bones are basically spaghetti

We all know what the say: cats have nine lives.
Could it be true, given that, when they fall, they almost always land on their legs? Well, this is not exactly the case. It all has to do with the way their bodies are made, considering they are “premier predators”.
According to Dr. James R. Richards, director of the Cornell Feline Health Center, the bones that make up the cat’s spine have elastic cushioning discs between them which makes them super flexible. In fact, their bodies can rotate as far as 180 degrees from left to right, unlike humans who can only rotate their torso about 90 degrees.
At the same time, cats’ shoulder blades are not attached with bone, but with muscle, and this makes them extremely bendable. This is how they manage to squeeze into tiny boxes and places you’d never imagine they could.
Below, we’ve compiled the 15 funniest pictures of cats who prove they are some of the bendiest creatures on the planet!
1. What laws of physics?

This cat is just trying to become one with the furniture. Fair enough!
2. Yogi

We can’t be convinced that this is a comfortable position for any animal out there. Guess we’re wrong!
3. Comfy

She looks pretty happy in this position, but we can’t figure out how she’s going to disentangle herself.
4. The black beauty

Doesn’t she look like a wave? We really can’t get over her!
5. Head misplacement

Can someone explain to us just how her head got there? Cats will never cease to surprise us!
6. Liquid

Really, we can’t explain it differently- cats are liquid and they’ve tricked us to believe they’re solid.
7. Just checking

Wow! Cats are so lucky to be able to check out what’s going on behind their backs! We’d love to be able to do the same sometimes.
8. Twisted

This beautiful ginger tabby is showing off her twisting skills! Look at her rear paws though!
9. Wait… what?

Can we all take a moment to appreciate this cat’s skills? She must be a master yogi!
10. Squeezed

Remember what we said about the cat spine? Well, here’s an example of that. Strangely enough, we don’t think the little fella could be any happier.
11. Mind-twister

Please, can someone explain to us where the front and where the back is? Because we’re totally confused!
12. Another one

Here’s another misplaced head, and we really can’t figure out how on earth she puts it back into place.
13. Piercing

Apart from the fact that her piercing eyes are looking straight into our souls, this kitty has got some serious bending skills!
14. Alphabet letter

Can you see the “U” this cat is forming with her spine? Now, what other animals are able to do this?! Okay, well, a few come to mind… but NONE of them are as cute and cuddly as this one!
15. Just chilling

Of course, we can’t see how this can be a comfortable position for anyone or any animal, but if she’s fine with it…
All of these cats are the perfect example of why, no matter how much yoga we might practice, we’ll never be as flexible as them. Don’t feel too bad. It’s hard to best a wet noodle in a match of flexibility.
We hope you enjoyed these cuties as much as we did!
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