15 interesting photos showing the realities of generation gaps

Every generation has different attitudes and approaches. But have generation gaps ever been as broad as they are right now?

What millennial first came up with the phrase, “the times, they are a-changing?” Oh, right, it was the baby boomer Bob Dylan. Things have changed so much since Dylan first sang those words.

Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that young people today have no idea what it’s like to grow up in a world without the internet or cell phones. And their kids are given iPads at birth! Yes, things are very different nowadays.

These images prove it:

1. Kids today are so unlucky. Their phones don’t even have wheels!

Emurevenge/Reddit Source: Emurevenge/Reddit

To be fair, the six-year-olds are getting hand-me-down phones when their parents upgrade. It makes more sense than just throwing them out.

2. Shouldn’t that be orange?

Siobhan McHatton/Tweet Source: Siobhan McHatton/Tweet

No, it doesn’t contain a prescription. It contains memories.

3. Literal generation gaps

Bobby-sandhu/Reddit Source: Bobby-sandhu/Reddit

Just wait until you hit middle age, jeans girl. You’ll be unintentionally showing off your stomach too.

4. Oh, the irony of the band Eternal releasing an album called Always and Forever on one of these

1Nic_Beav85/Twitter Source: 1Nic_Beav85/Twitter

The owner of this cassette had to explain to her niece that once upon a time, music existed outside of YouTube.

5. The older man and woman are looking at some bulky phones

Redlightgreenlighter/Reddit Source: Redlightgreenlighter/Reddit

We’ve always ignored our partners, just in different ways.

6. Did Kurt Russell lose his phone? Poor guy

Aleczapka/Reddit Source: Aleczapka/Reddit

No, he’s just doing a thing called, “relaxing without a phone.”

7. Technically, yesterday was the olden days

MouseAndWeens/Twitter Source: MouseAndWeens/Twitter

She was born a whole millennium ago! Can you imagine such a thing?!

8. Wait, do those phones FLIP OPEN!?

AustinCQ6/Imgur Source: AustinCQ6/Imgur

It also has a screen! A screen! On a phone!? What will they think of next?

9. Since when did they make a video game version of ping pong?

Imgur Source: Imgur

Why burn calories when you can burn your retinas from being too close to the screen?

10. Those are some funny looking chopping boards

DEFXERT/Twitter Source: DEFXERT/Twitter

Technically, a floppy disc is still the save image on a lot of programs, like Microsoft Word, so kids could kind of work out what these were for.

11. At least it’s much harder to step on a piece of Minecraft

Imgur Source: Imgur

Just think, in like 20 years, the kid will be playing Minecraft on the tablet while his son plays on his VR headset.

12. Britney Spears is the new Vera Lynn

AnikevdM/Twitter Source: AnikevdM/Twitter

“We’ll meet again, don’t know where, oops I did it again.”

13. Thirteen-year-olds of yesteryear vs thirteen-year-olds today

GustMorgan/Twitter Source: GustMorgan/Twitter

Yes, technology has resulted in many great things. But is pressuring kids to look like adults something we want to do? Why not just encourage them to enjoy their childhoods?

14. This is super old technology nowadays

RoobMacchia/Twitter Source: RoobMacchia/Twitter

You could also buy a camera that attached to the Gameboy. Imagine that, a camera that lets you take photos and see them instantly on a screen!

15. This was the only workout you needed back in the day

StephanieLentz/Twitter Source: StephanieLentz/Twitter

A babysitter had to explain what that weird crank did.

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Source: Brightside, Brightside
