15 photos to show to anyone scared of German shepherds

German shepherds, like many larger breeds of dogs, get a bad reputation due to their size. Also, a German shepherd’s energy can sometimes seem a bit much for some people. They are also known as being guard dogs, which many people take to mean that they are automatically aggressive.

In reality, German shepherds are just as cuddly and sweet as other dogs. And the breed’s protective nature makes them particularly suited as a family pet. Here are some pictures that are proof of the German shepherd’s lovable nature.

#1 All ears.

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#2 Her first snow.

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#3 Rocking the baby.

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#4 They look so innocent when they are asleep.

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#5 Belly rubs, please.

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#6 Snow day fun.

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#7 I found this for you.

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#8 Just like a piece of candy.

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#9 You’re not going anywhere!

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#10 Halp, I’m stuck!

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#11 This white GSD is too cute for words.

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#12 Bed buddies.

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#13 I don’t think that is how you do downward dog.

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#14 The eyes of the innocent.

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#15 Four-legged shopping spree.

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