15 photos that capture total facepalm moments
We all have moments we’re not proud of when we do something so bone-headed that we can’t even believe ourselves.
But it says a lot about a person if they can own up to it.
Then again, if you’ve done some of these things, it might be better to hide.
Check out these extra-cringe-worthy moments:
1. DIY brakes
Whoops! Look who is going nowhere fast.
Good thing they had a sense of humor about it.
Looks about right from r/funny
2. Live and learn
Putting water in the microwave noodle container is what makes them soft AND what keeps the whole thing from going up in flames.
Now he knows.
3. Now that’s a mess!
Now we know what happens if you accidentally use a cutting board as a baking sheet!
We’re surprised no one smelled that before it turned into mush.
(x-post from /r/pics) We all have that one cook, who will put a cutting board in an oven. from r/KitchenConfidential
4. Sauced
Do you know what’s more enjoyable than photographing your food?
Getting a chance to eat it before it spills all over the table.
Don’t people realize how tacky they look posing like this in restaurants?
5. Snow roof
That’s why they tell you to read the manual first.
Then you don’t have to experiment with the buttons and have something like this happen.
This is what happens when your 2,088 week old mother LOVES to push buttons in her new car. from r/funny
6. Great headshots, but…
We’re sure people are pretty frazzled after a fender bender, but this just made us laugh.
Susan misses the point [x-post r/facepalm] from r/oldpeoplefacebook
7. Tattoos can be removed but stupid is forever
Ok, so maybe this person learned some lessons after this.
We’d start with never giving yourself a home tattoo of any kind before we moved on to looking up the meaning of symbols and then spelling.
8. We wonder what color the third one was
This really speaks for itself.
9. Look before you leap
Or skewer, in this case.
It’s impressive that they managed to get the screw all the way through the metal cap before realizing their mistake.
At least the wine is still drinkable!
10. This is why we send kids to school
We’re not entirely sure she ever facepalmed over this. But the rest of us sure did!
11. Is this her first bottle?
How do you not realize there’s a screw pull on your knife right next to the tiny blade you’re using to maim a wine cork?
Maybe someone needs less alcohol.
12. But why?
Do you think he ever facepalmed or is he still taking the piece of cardboard everywhere instead of just turning around his hat?
13. Hat man is not alone
We’re so confused.
Even if the umbrella is broken in some way, holding it open would still be a better option.
14. Mad libs
Ok, now that’s hilarious.
We just hope the school let this kid go on the trip.
15. Lockout
Ok, so this one was likely taken after the facepalm.
But the poster was man enough to admit it was a stupid mistake and give everyone a good laugh.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: H/t Brightside and Bored Panda