15 pieces of wisdom that people found surprisingly helpful

Occasionally, the Internet can be a place to get some good advice. It usually starts when someone asks a question and leaves it open for people to answer.

In this case, Twitter-user Amanda Deibert asked about advice people had received.

Here are some of the best answers:

1. Every day can’t be the best

We always get told to try our hardest and make the most of every day. And that’s great, but it’s also impossible.

In fact, sometimes it’s healthier to just acknowledge that the day isn’t going to be life-changing and just get through it and try to enjoy the sights along the way.

2. No bullies

Oddly enough, sometimes family can be the cruelest.

But if your relatives think they can insult you since you’re so “close,” there’s no reason you can use that logic to defend yourself with equal force – or just walk away.

Not all family is good for you.

3. It’s easier to add than take away

Just like cooking, it’s easier to put more in than take something out. The same applies to anger.

Once you pass a certain point, the repair is tough. But you can always work your way up when it’s necessary!

4. Sometimes you have to blend in

We can’t wait for the day that it’s no longer necessary to be just like someone else in order to have them respect you. But human nature is to be attracted to things like you.

At least when it comes to clothing for a work presentation, it’s relatively harmless advice.

5. Always be prepared

How many times have you been asked a question in an interview that started with “tell me about a time you…”? Because we’ve heard it at EVERY interview. And it’s hard to come up with a story on the spot.

This is really good advice for job-seekers.

6. Just do it

7. Some people…

We tend to believe there are more than two types of people. That seems a little simplistic. But it does seem to be the case that at least some people tend to be good listeners in the service of understanding while others simply hear things that they can use later.

8. Keep your criticism to yourself

We love this. Especially because so many people love to criticize others even when they have no idea what it’s like to be in their shoes.

9. Don’t argue with idiots

People who don’t know what they’re talking about have an awful lot to say about everything. And they’re usually just in an argument to win it, so they’ll pull out every random “what about…? -ism” they can think of.

There’s no prize for interacting with them because they never learn.

10. Don’t waste your life

Ok, so you do need to do laundry, but in the grand scheme of things, chores probably won’t be what makes you proud of your life or things you reflect on fondly.

So tidy up, but make sure it’s because you had a great party first.

11. Save the advice

Listening is genuinely hard. We want to help people solve things, especially the people we love.

But how many times have you been annoyed because someone wouldn’t stop making suggestions to you while you were just trying to get some sympathy?

12. Hate only hurts you

There’s only one way to heal and that’s to let go of bad feelings. That doesn’t mean you have to keep toxic people in your life – you can boot them out, but don’t keep the bitterness too. Let it go.

13. Don’t be gossip

Being a work gossip is bad, but being the subject of the gossip is worse.

If you won’t want work to bleed into your life, then keep your life out of work and stay professional.

14. Learn to listen

We like this one so much it’s worth repeating.

Listening is a skill that very few people have learned.

15. Be kind to yourself

The times you feel your worst are the times you need to take it easy on yourself.

It’s tough to do, but even if you’ve done something you regret, you need to work out your own emotions first before you fix it.


So, what’s the best advice YOU’VE ever received?

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Twitter – @amandadeibert, INC.com
