15 animals with unique markings

Animals sometimes have unique markings on their body due to genetics.

Then again, if you think about it, we’re the ones who made the heart and question mark symbols, so these markings are completely natural, they just happen to look curious to us.

While these 15 animals might seem uncanny, they simply ended up with some fun genetic code that resulted in markings that make us raise our eyebrows.

1. Lucky 7

This is “Baby Ben” from Pennsylvania, born on a dairy farm and considered to be lucky for the number seven that appears on his face.

Male cows born on dairy farms don’t typically have a lucky ending, but we’re not sure what became of Ben when the local legend grew up.

Lakridsfisken/Reddit Source: Lakridsfisken/Reddit

2. Snow white

This piebald fawn is quite rare, but there’s a good reason for that. It’s a genetic condition that results in other deformities that tend to shorten their lifespans.

Some mistake them for albinos, but these deer still have some pigment on their bodies and do not have pink eyes.

DahliAlpaca/Reddit Source: DahliAlpaca/Reddit

3. The Eugene Levy of dogs

We’re not sure if we could keep a straight face around this pup,

But those eyebrows are real and they’re fabulous.

Imgur Source: Imgur

4. Chimera cat

Chimeras contain two types of DNA, caused when two embryos fuse together during development.

Chimera cats really aren’t all that rare – in fact, most male torties are chimeras!

But beautiful Venus here might just be one of a kind! (Though you can see others like her here.)

@venustwofacecat/Instagram Source: @venustwofacecat/Instagram

5. Top hat and tails

This kitten is puttin’ on the ritz!

Look closely and you’ll see that the marking looks like a tiny top hat, making it extra fancy!

Black tie mandatory!


6. Eye love you

Could this Dalmation with hearts around its eyes be any cuter?

Talk about the look of love!

@the_mazda_driver/Reddit Source: @the_mazda_driver/Reddit

7. Seeing double

This can is never alone because there’s always another cat nearby.

Then again, he probably can’t see it since it’s on his back.

Imgur Source: Imgur

8. Partially pale peacock

Somehow this peacock is even more glorious despite only being kind of colorful.

Rather than being an albino, this guy is leucistic, meaning that he lacks pigment on just part of his body.

The white feathers look like lace!

LlamaOnTheLam/Imgur Source: LlamaOnTheLam/Imgur

9. Heavy on the eyeliner

This is why a dog should never try a cat-eye.

Then again, it’s hard to resist this Samoyed’s baby blues and its little heart-shaped nose!

Imgur Source: Imgur

10. Hello, sir

This fancy feline is Hamilton the Hipster Cat.

And while there are other mustached cats out there, he was doing it before it was cool.

Hamilton The Hipster Cat/Facebook Source: Hamilton The Hipster Cat/Facebook

11. All smiles

Even when he or she is feeling down, this Groucho Marx-looking dog has a big grin on its face.

Imgur Source: Imgur

12. Perpetual surprise

Sam the Eyebrow Cat proved you don’t have to be grumpy to be Internet famous.

This sweet guy has over a quarter of a million followers on his Instagram page!

@samhaseyebrows/Instagram Source: @samhaseyebrows/Instagram

13. So ’80s

This is a katydid and its punk rock pink color is the result of a genetic condition called Erythrism that gives animals reddish pigmentation.

Sadly, most of them don’t survive long because their color makes them more visible to predators.

Redheadsdoitbetter/Imgur Source: Redheadsdoitbetter/Imgur

14. Racing stripes

This is a cheetah with a rare mutation that causes large blotches on its fur.

Only a handful have ever been seen and they’re known as the “king cheetah” variety.

Redheadsdoitbetter/Imgur Source: Redheadsdoitbetter/Imgur

15. Cow with a question

This cow’s unique marking remains a mystery to us.

But it’s clear that if you look back at slide number one that facial markings of this type aren’t entirely unheard of.

Imgur Source: Imgur

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