15-year-old genius earns his 5th college degree and is the youngest graduate from UNLV

At the young age of 14, Jack Rico earned four associate’s degrees at Fullerton College causing his name to appear all over the news. Now at 15, Jack has made the headlines once again. He is the youngest graduate in the University of Nevada’s 64-year history.

Impressive, but there’s more.

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The young prodigy is certainly pretty special, continuing to amaze and inspire many others but he doesn’t get treated like a celebrity by his peers.

“Every now and then, I’ll get like a shocking reaction from someone, but most of my classmates are really accepting of me,” Jack said. “They don’t treat me as a kid, they treat me as an equal.”

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Jack attended public school from kindergarten until the third grade. He failed the Common Core State Standards learning system leading to his request to be homeschooled, which his parents did for him.

“No one child is the same, in that some kids thrive in a public school setting; others thrive in a homeschool setting, and I feel like it should be the kid’s choice,” Jack shares. “They should look into what is best for them and their education.”

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Ru Andrade, Jack’s mom, realized her son was a genius after 3 years.

“At 11, he was smarter than me. I knew that I had given him everything I had, and that he probably needed better teachers,” she said.

That’s how Jack began studying at Fullerton College. He was only 11 when he passed the entrance exam.

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Jack graduated with four associate’s degrees in social sciences, history, social behavior, and arts and human expression. He also maintained a 4.0 GPA all throughout making him the youngest student to do so in Fullerton College’s 107-year-old history.

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Jack showed signs of high intelligence at a really young age. He wanted to see the White House for his 4th birthday, so his parents made a deal with him that if he memorized all the names of the US presidents, he could go.

So he did, including the names of all the vice presidents for good measure.

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So on a full scholarship, Jack went for a bachelor’s degree in history at UNLV. Jack walked to the stage on December 14 to receive his diploma, once again being the youngest graduate.

And with a 3.78 GPA.

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Jack describes his experience as “sad” but “relieving”. With five college degrees under his belt, he’s still got plans for the future. Jack just needs more time.

“I want to get my master’s, but I don’t know what I want to get it in. I don’t plan on getting it in history, so I want to audit some courses, discover some of my other interests and see what I want to do with my masters.”

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Jack is now considering taking computer science and business classes at UNLV while he uses the time to think of his next move.

Jack is just like any regular teenager too. He spends time with his family and friends playing video games and just hanging out. Jack does enjoy writing screenplays so he may be behind a few films in the future.

Watch the video below for more on Jack!

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Source: My Positive Thoughts, YouTube
