20 photos of 1970s childhood times that make us wonder where the time has gone

Nostalgia is a funny thing. We all have memories of playing as a child. The odds are that you think that children today are so, so different. But that isn’t entirely true.

Some things never change, and some things certainly do!

Kids will always play. It’s one of the best things about being a kid, after all! But how kids play nowadays is different, in certain ways. In other ways, playtime is basically the same.

Here are 20 images that show how kids have evolved and haven’t evolved.

1. Lawn darts

Wikimedia - Bluebellylint Source: Wikimedia - Bluebellylint

They used to let kids play with these? Why not just let kids play with something even more dangerous, like guns!? Oh, wait, some people do!

2. McDonald’s Playgrounds

Strawberry Lemonade Source: Strawberry Lemonade

There are still a few of these. But many have gone, because they promote unhealthy eating. Surely, these playgrounds were all the exercise that some kids ever got?

3. This was the most modern thing in the playground

Flickr - Ken Source: Flickr - Ken

Who says that technology was limited back then? They even had giant robots to play with kids. Wait, it’s not actually a robot? But it says it is!

4. Rollerskating down the street

Flickr - Anthony Catalano Source: Flickr - Anthony Catalano

And, of course, you had to wear flares. They would create friction with the air, ensuring that you never rolled too fast. Fashionable and practical!

5. Who wants to play motorcycles, with actual motorcycles?

Wikimedia - Montesita Source: Wikimedia - Montesita

At least they have helmets on. Who says that this was a time before health and safety? Not these cautious kids.

6. If anybody wants me, I’ll be in my Planet of the Apes Treehouse

Flickr - Brett Streutker Source: Flickr - Brett Streutker

This wasn’t an actual treehouse. Imagine how disappointing that would be? But have the days of shoddy merchandise really passed?

7. Just playing in the street

Flickr - Dunedin City Council Archives Source: Flickr - Dunedin City Council Archives

Kids still play in the street. But would they be allowed to just run around so free? This seems dangerous in a way that’s hard to pinpoint.

8. In Soviet Russia, you spin carousel!

Flickr - Kay Ryabitsev Source: Flickr - Kay Ryabitsev

Yes, this image comes from behind the iron curtain. It’s the Cold War. But the kids just want to play.

9. You were lucky to get a comic

Flickr - Zenmasterdod Source: Flickr - Zenmasterdod

Sure, superheroes are just as popular with kids as ever. But superhero movies didn’t exist until 1978! Still, those two comics must have been fun!

10. High school was hairy

Flickr - Bill Abbott Source: Flickr - Bill Abbott

Most of the men in this photo are probably bald now. At least they flaunted it while they had it! Yes, this is a campout. They didn’t just let them light fires on the playground back then.

11. That teacher looks overwhelmed

Flickr - Newcastle Libraries Source: Flickr - Newcastle Libraries

This photo comes from the north of England. The kids seem so excited. What was the occasion?

12. These kids accepted one another so easily

Flickr - Intangible Arts Source: Flickr - Intangible Arts

Of course, there were and are many inequalities in America. But these kids just enjoyed their school days with one another. They didn’t care if someone looked different.

13. The gas station was just another playground

Flickr - Newcastle Libraries Source: Flickr - Newcastle Libraries

It’s not like there’s anything dangerous in a gas station, right? And why tell the kids to behave when you can just photograph them instead? There were gas shortages back then, so maybe there’s nothing flammable at that location.

14. They took a photo of themselves in front of photos of themselves

Flickr - David Dodge Source: Flickr - David Dodge

Is this the old-fashioned version of the selfie? You need a minimum of two photographs. The one taken of you, and the one taken of you with you in the photo.

15. That one kid’s wearing such short socks!

Instagram - Inretrospect.co Source: Instagram - Inretrospect.co

Did you even know that there were socks that ended long below the knee? Well, now you do! How did he keep his legs warm?

16. How many of these outfits would get past school dress codes nowadays?

Instagram - Swurlyclothing Source: Instagram - Swurlyclothing

Kids should show pictures like this to their teachers. Don’t be a hypocrite. You know you wore shorter clothes than kids today!

17. A bit judgy, eh?

Instagram - Wildatheartvintageohio Source: Instagram - Wildatheartvintageohio

Why does it have to be a hobby for a girl and a toy for a boy? Why not the other way around? And apparently, when you turn 15, you lose all interest in weaving.

18. Will video games ever catch on?

Instagram - _.vintagegallery._ Source: Instagram - _.vintagegallery._

Or will yard javelins, weaving sets and Planet of the Apes Treehouses remain on top? Only time will tell. But those instructions sure do look complex!

19. Don’t play with your food

Instagram - Kiranoth Source: Instagram - Kiranoth

Or do, if it’ll keep you quiet. Yes, that’s licorice. And it’s also a superhero mask apparently.

20. Time to watch the play!

Instagram - Stephallennewell Source: Instagram - Stephallennewell

If there’s nothing good on TV, just make your own TV! This took hours to write and rehearse! What were the ratings like?

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Source: Mommy Poppins
