Mom catches two-year-old speaking positive affirmations on his way to school

Words of encouragement are the best way to start your morning. Positive affirmations over time can have a noticeable effect on moods and can set the tone for your entire day. Though we are told these things as adults, oftentimes we find ourselves forgetting, not taking it seriously, or simply not believing it. Leave it to a toddler to teach us a lesson and lead by example, as he makes his way to school repeating affirmations to himself to get ready for the day ahead. Source:

Teaching children at a young age to get rid of negative thoughts and stay positive can seem impossible, but this Alissa, a mom from New York City made it a priority and is seeing results in her 3-year-old son Ayaan. Starting on his second birthday she taught him a simple mantra that helps teach him self love and respect every day. Three short little phrases were all he learned because he was so little and Alissa wasn’t sure if he would remember, but something must have stuck with little Ayaan.

“Out of nowhere he started repeating it, so I pulled out my phone . He ended (with enthusiasm lol) once we made it to out destination. So proud of the little boy he is growing into” Alissa posted to Instagram, along with the video of Ayaan repeating his mantra.

In the video, we see little Ayann on his way to school, his backpack nearly as big as he is. Walking alongside his mom, we hear the start of his mantra. “I am smart. I am blessed. I can do anything.” he says. And he repeats it again and again to himself, not caring if anyone else is listening. “I taught Ayann this positive affirmation on his second birthday last year. In hopes that he would one day memorize it, understand it and use it as a motivational tool whenever he needed it.” Alissa said. Source:

He’s doing more than just inspiring himself, he’s inspiring others. The post has received a lot of attention since it was posted last week, racking up thousands of views, comments, and shares. Little Ayann has even appeared on the Ellen Show, spreading his positivity to more than just those that saw him on social media. Self-love is still so important and if 3 year- old Ayan can learn a mantra to remind himself every day, then you can too and see the difference it will make in your life.

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