20 bearded men are photographed looking up and it’s awkwardly hilarious
With the birth of the web, there have come hundreds of ridiculous internet challenges that inspire people to do some pretty stupid stuff. The tide pod challenge and the cinnamon challenge are two prime examples of this, of course. There have been some less life-threatening challenges too, though, and the bearded man challenge is among the best of them.
The challenge in and of itself is simple. Bearded men just look straight up at the sky or ceiling while snapping a selfie. The challenge isn’t hard, but it’s hilarious! You won’t believe how utterly strange they look. Here are 20 men bearing their bearded under-bushes for all to see.
1. Is that a hairy mushroom?
When bearded men point their chins to the ceiling, there’s no doubt that the results can be a little goofy. The fun comes from trying to see a likeness to other people or things. Kind of like looking at cloud-shapes. This man’s under-beard makes him look an awful lot like a furry mushroom.
2. Hello, Cousin It!
It might be an insult to compare this bearded wonder to cousin It. After all, It had a nice, shiny, groomed set of locks on her. This guy’s beard looks like it could take a page or two from the cousin’s beauty book.
3. A beard with bad habits
If you’re going to grow something on your face that basically has its own personality, you might as well party with it. Hopefully, he gives his beard a good wash later because it’s gonna be a stinky one.
4. A bearded mullet
Ah, the mullet. Never a good fashion choice, but if you’re gonna pull one of them off, your best bet is to do it as a beard.
5. The bearded sad-neck
This poor neck-nerd doesn’t look too happy with his life. Maybe it’s time for his unruly beard to be manicured. Nothing like a little bearded makeover to get your spirits up.
6. This is what happens when you let your beard party too hard
Even beards can’t hold up to too many parties. The years of abuse look like they’ve really weighed on this blazed-looking chap.
7. Beards with emojis
When bearded men point their chins to the sky, it really lets their neck personalities come out. Just like with anything else in life, though, emoji’s make it so much better.
8. The bearded butt-rocker
This throwback bearded mullet belongs nowhere! Not even in the butt-rocking days of the 80s. If this challenge has told him anything, hopefully it’s that he needs to make friends with a barber.
9. The not-so-sexy shower beard
The bearded shower selfie. A seemingly rare photo that is probably a lot more common than people think. This is the photo you send to the person you don’t want to hook up with.
10. The pensive wolf beard
The man behind this beard’s username is Bavarian Wolverine, and that pretty much sums him up. To be fair, though, he’s an intellectual wolverine who always thinks things through. Just like he did when he wore that shirt, in case the name wasn’t a tip-off.
11. The librarian’s beard-bun
This guy’s under-beard totally resembles a little librarian with a classic high-top bun. We hope he doesn’t have any books overdue because she doesn’t look very forgiving.
12. The Carrot Top beard
Hey guys, remember Carrot Top? Turns out he’s still around, just hanging out on this guy’s chin. The years haven’t been kind, but he is just as spastic as ever!
13. Beaker gone black
Remember Beaker, our trusty science friend from Sesame Street? Well, this man’s neck is his older and blacker cousin. The resemblance is uncanny!
14. The bearded bird
A lot of men use their beards as a form of artistic expression. This guy apparently wants to fly free. Or at least, that’s what it looks like his beard is about to do.
15. The wannabe bearded seducer
Apparently, this bearded wonder seems to think if he put on a necktie it will turn his beard into a hairy version of Magic Mike. It doesn’t. He failed horribly, and this should be considered beard abuse.
16. The beach-bum beard
Anyone else reminded of Ferris from Ferris Buehler’s Day Off? Who would have thought that a little beard gel and a pair of aviators would give a beard so much sass?!
17. Gangster granny beard
When your beard starts to turn salt and pepper gray, you should know that it resembles a little granny every time you lift your chin. This guy, with his fancy chain and hoop earrings, now looks like a granny with the Italian mafia, and she isn’t messing around.
18. We call him Patchy
This poor guy probably shouldn’t have even joined the challenge. It is a challenge for bearded men, after all. Then again, maybe he thought it was an assignment for the beard-challenged.
19. Dexter dyed his hair
We have finally found where Dexter’s been hiding! No, not the disturbingly handsome serial killer, but the cartoon nerd we all know and love. We gotta say, he’s looking as smart as ever!
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20. The Edward Cullen beard-cut
Hey all, remember Edward Cullen from the glittery vampire Twilight saga? Well, he is moonlighting as this man’s beard now. Looks like the pressure of stardom was a little too much, but at least he kept the hair cut!
H/T: Bored Panda